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a magnificent spectacle to the eye, and are seen to best advantage from the rear platform of the last car. As the train moves onward, they appear to fade out of sight like a dissolving view. Much coin and bullion are transported over this route. Sometimes $100,000 will be carried in the baggage-car of the train. Passing the hamlet of Estancia (6 miles), the next station is Topo (13 miles). Here the elevation is 1,590 feet, or 200 feet lower than Monterey.

The next stop is made at Salinas (21 miles), where the altitude is 1,432 feet. This town has about 4,000 inhabitants, and is situated on a river of the same name. The surrounding region is fertile, and produces fruit. The adjoining cañon contains silver-mines that are worked at the present time.

Leaving Salinas, the lofty sierra still bounds the plain on the west. The ridge-line is, however, somewhat lower than at Monterey, and it decreases in height on running northward, until it assumes the form of a mesa, or terrace.

Palo Blanco (43 miles) is the next station, and then the train stops at Villaldama (59 miles). A forest of palm-trees is passed on the way, and the country to the eastward continues level for many miles. The elevation of Villaldama is 1,412 feet, and it is named after Aldama, one of the heroes of the War of Independence. The town lies about a mile east of the railroad, and was formerly known as Boca de los Leones. The population numbers about 5,000, and it is chiefly descended from Spaniards. There are lead-mines in the vicinity, but they have been abandoned, owing to lack of capital. Leaving Villaldama, the next station is Bustamante (67 miles), where a stop of twenty minutes is made for dinner. The next station is Golondrinos (74 miles), where a stock-farm may be visited. Passing the hamlet of Salome Botello (83 miles), we reach Lampazos (96 miles), which has an elevation of 1,032 feet.