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June, 1865. Ortega, at New York, enlists recruits for the Republican army, which is discountenanced by the United States Government.
Maximilian I (brother to the Emperor of Austria), born July 6, 1832; accepted the crown April 10, 1864; married, July 27, 1857, to Princess Charlotte, daughter of Leopold I, King of the Belgians; adopts Augustus Iturbide as his heir, September, 1865.
October, 1865. The Emperor proclaims the end of the war, and martial law against all armed bands of men.
October, 1865. Juarez re-elected President second time.
June 19, 1867. Execution of Maximilian at Querétaro.
1869. Juarez re-elected President third time.
July 18, 1872. Death of President Juarez.
1872. Lerdo de Tejada, twenty-second President.
Jan. 17, 1873. English railway, from Vera Cruz to Mexico (263 miles), completed.
June 20, 1876. Death of Santa Anna.
Oct., Nov.," Serious revolution in Mexico. Lerdo de Tejada, though elected a second time, is prevented by the Diaz party from serving as President.
Dec. 1, 1876. Juan N. Mendez, twenty-third (provisional) President.
May 5, 1877. Porfirio Diaz, twenty-fourth President.
May 5, 1877. Amendment of the Constitution, prohibiting the election of the President and the Governors of the States to a second term of office.
Dec. 1, 1880. Manuel Gonzalez, twenty-fifth President.
Dec. 1, 1884. Manuel Gonzalez's term expires.[1]
It is generally conceded that Porfirio Diaz, the present Governor of the State of Oaxaca, will become the next President of the Republic. No revolution has taken place since 1876.

Books of reference: Prescott, Conquest of Mexico; Robertson, History of America; Lucas Alaman, Historia de Méjico; Zamacois, Historia de Méjico.

  1. Many of these events are taken from Haydn's Dictionary of Dates.