Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1900, volume 7).djvu/33

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BABCOCK, Christopher Avery, surgeon, b. in Stonington, Conn., 5 April, 1?25: cL in New- port, R. L, 2 N'ov., 1780. lie was stationed at Newport while Gen. Wasliington's headquarters was at Xewburg. An order from Washington was sent to Gen. Schuyler, then commander at New- port, directing him to send a surgeon to Danbury, Conn., irame<liately, and to have him report to Gen. DsTid Wooster, commander at that place. Dr. Balwock was so detailed, and remained in Danbury more than two years, unl il (icn. V(M>ster was lullea. Dr. Babcock was with Wooster when he died, and endeavored in vain to extract the ball. After Gen. Wooster's death Gen. Wa-'^hington ordered Dr. Batxsock back to Newimrt. as the camp fever hud broken out there. lie died in six weeks after bis arrival of the prevailing fever.

BACON, Anzngtns 0ctaTiii8, senator, b. in Bryan county. Ga.. 20 Oct., WiO, and was gradu- ate<l in IXiO from the cla-ssical department of the Universitv of Georgia, and from the law department in 1860. lie served during thecainpuign of 1861-'2 •s adjutant of the 9th Georgia infantry, and sut>- sequently as captain on stan duty. After the war he practised at Macon both in the fe<leral and state courts. In 1880 he was presi<)ent of the state Democratic convention. For fourteen years he was a inemtxT of the Georgia house of repn-sentntives, and for ten years he aclc<l as siwaker of the house. Mr. Uacon was s»'Vcral times a candidate for the Deni<K>nilic nomination for governor, anil in No- vember, 1894, was elected to the U. .S. senate. His tcnn of service will expire 3 March, 11K)1.

BACON, John Mosby, soldier. b. in Kentucky, 17 A|)ril. 1H44. lie liccame 2<1 lieutenant of the 11th Kcnlucky cavalry on 22 Sept.. 1862, and on a Nov. of the same year liecanio 2d lieutenant in the 4th Kentiickv cavalry, lie wa.s (iromoted 1st lieutenant in Peii., 186.'), capljiin on 14 March of the same year, and major, 20 Nov.. 1864. For gallant and meritorious action at the siege of J'ort Resaca. Georgia, he wa.« brevette<l major on 2 March, 1867. lie was honombly mii«tered out of the volunteer service on 21 Aug.. 18<}5, but he entered the regular armv us captain of Troop G of the lHh cavalrv on 28 .luly. 186(1. The regiment was sent to 'I*exas ami six'ut eight years there, patrolling in search of depre<lating Indians. On 7 .lunc, 1860, with 32 men of his troop, he was engaged with Indian^ on liio I'ecos, lexas, and on 2d and 29 Get. of the same year he had an- other engagement at the .Salt I-'ork of the Brazos river. For gdllanlrv' in these two engagements he n-ceived the brevet of lieutenant-colonel. From 1 .Ian.. 1871. until 8 Feb., 1884, he sirvcd as colo- nel and aide-de-camp on the staff of Gen. Sher- man. He was promoted major of the 7th cavalry on 14 April, 1884. and on 7 April. 1890. was trans- ferrejl to the 1st cavalry ilh lieutenant-colonel, un- dcrCol. Abraham K. Arnold. On 29.lune. 1897, he was miule colonel of the 8th cavalry. .t the out- break of war with Spain in 1898 he was promote<l hrigiulier-peneral and aj)poinled to the command of the department of Dakota, with headquarters at St. Paul, Minn. In Octolier. 1898. he promptly put down nn outbreak among the Chippewa In- di»n<< on the Leech Lake reservation.

BAGLEY, Worth, naval officer. b. in Raleigh, N. C, 6 -April. 1874 : il. off Cnnlenas. near Matan- rjin. Cuba, 11 May. 1898. He was appointed to the naval academy in .Septemlier, 1891, was graduated June, 1897, and was appointed an ensign the day following. While a cadet attatrhed to the academy he was assigned to make cruises on the "Texas," " Montgomery," "Indiana," and "Maine." When appointed an ensign lie was as- signed to the "Indi- ana," but in August was transferred to the " Maine," where he served until 28 Nov., 1897, when he was ordered to the Columbian iron- works for duty in connection with the torpedo-lx)at "Wins- low," which was un- der construction at the time. When the lx>at wius completed and |nit in commis- sion, in December, 1897, he was at-

tached to her, and

reniaine<l with tier until his death. Re was the first American naval officer killetl in the war with Sjiain. A tablet to his niemorj- has been placed in the chapel of the U. S. naval "academy.

BAILEY, Thomas Williamson, military en- gineer, 1). in Kingsbury, Washington co., N. Y., 21 Sept., 1826. He was graduated at Reii.s.selaer jiolytochnic institute, and during the next eleven years was engage<l as a civil engineer. In 1861 he assisted in raising a company for the Kngineers' regiment of the wi-st. Col. Josiah W. Bissell, and served with that organization throughout the civil war. In the summer and autumn of 1862 he was detailed as military roiidmaster of the Mobile and Ohio railroad uiufer Gen. .lames B. McPherson. While thus engaged he was called upon for a plan of a system of fortifications to protect Jackson, Tcnn., where a large amount of military sui)plies were stored. He furnishe<l it, and it was a<lopted by Gen. John A. Ijogaii. Bailey assisted C'apt. Frederick E. Prime, chief engineer of the Array of the Tennessee, in fortifying Corinth, Miss. At the siege of Vicksbiirg lie liegan a sys- tem of fortifications at Haines's Bluff, but after a month of constant exposure and incessant toil he was sent home on sick leave in July, 1863. On re- turning to his regiment he aided in putting Vicks- biirg in a state of defence, and subsequently accompanicil his regiment, which in Gen. .Sher- man's march to the sea had charge of the pontoon train of the Army of the Tennes.see. He was com- missioned 1st lieutenant in 1861, captain in 1804, and major in 186.5 and was mustered out of the service in August of the la-st-nained year. Subse- quent to the war he was compelled to relinquish his i)rofession through ill health, but he resumed il in 18*19, bccoiniiig connected with the Chicago, Burlington and (juiiicy railroad, on the engineer- ing staff of which corj)oriition he long continued.

BAII.LAIRGK, Charles T. Florent, Canadian architect, b. in Quebec. 27 Sept.. 1827. He was educatcnl at Quelle -seminary. pa.ssed through an apprenticeship as architect, surveyor, and engineer, entered on the practice of his profession, and became in IS-ie a member of the board of ex- aminers and land surveyors of the province, of