IRVINE KNIGHT 307 PAOB 358. Irvine, Matthew Bell, soldier, Quebec, Canada, 18!»2. 387. Jackson, Howell Edmunds, jurist, West Meade, Tenn., 8 Aug., 1895. Jackson, Henrv Kootes, soldier, Savannah, Ga., 23 May, '1898. 390. Jackson, Mortimer Melville, jurist, Madison, Wis., 13 Oct., 1889. Jackson, Nathaniel James, soldier, Jamestown, N. y., 31 April. 1893. 393. Jackson, William Lowther, soldier, Louis- ville, Ky.. 26 .March, 1890. 398. James, Jo.sci)h Francis, botanist, Ilingham, Mass., 29 March, 1897. 400. JaMie.son, John Alexander, Hyde Park, 111., 16 June, 1890. 402. Jannsens, Francis, K. C. bishop, at sea, 10 June, 1897. 413. Jay. John, diplomatist, New York city, 5 May, 1894. 427. Jenkins, Thornton Alexander, naval officer, Washington, I). C, 9 Aug., 1893. 446. Johnson, Oliver, editor, Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Dec, 1889. 456. Johnston, William Preston, educator, Lex- ington. Va., 16 July, 1899. Johnston, Alexander, author, Princeton, N. J., 20 July, 1889. Johnston, Christopher, physician, Baltimore, Md., 11 Oct., 1891. 458. Johnston, John Tavlor, New York city, 24 March, 1893. Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, soldier, Wash- ington. I). C, 21 March, 1891. 460. Johnston, John Warfield, s>-nator, Richmond, Va., 27 Feb., 1889. Johnston. ICichard Malcolm, author, Balti- more, .M(l., 23 Sept.. 1898. 463. Jones, Charles Colcock, lawyer, Augusta, Ga., 19 July, 1893. 464. Jones, Charles W., senator, Detroit, Mich., 12 Oct., 1897. Jones, Horatio Gates, lawyer, Philadelphia, Pa.. 14 March, 1893. 465. Jones, George Wallace, senator, Dubuque, Iowa, 22 July, 1896. 474. Jordan, John, antiquarian, Philadelphia, Pa., 23 March, 1890. Jordan, Thomas, soldier. New York city, 28 Nov., 1895. 475. Jorrin, Jose Silverio, author, New York city, 6 Oct.. 1897. 477. Jov, Charles Arad, chemist. Stockbridge, Mass., 29 May, 1891. •lov, James Frederick, railroad-constructor, betroit, Mich.. 24 Sept.. 1896. 482. Judd. Orange, editor, Kvanston, 111., 27 Dec, 1892. 486. Juengling, Frederick, artist. New York city, 31 Dec, 1889. Julian, George Washington, statesman, Ir- vington. Ind.. 7 July, 1899. 490. Kacr(,'lier, George Uinggold, lawyer, 19 Sept., 1890. Kaliikiiua. David, king of Hawaii. San Fran- cisco. 20 Jan.. 1891. ' 494. Kaullmch. Henrv Adolphus Newman, senator, Ottawa. Canada, 8 Jan., 1896. 495. Kautz, August Valentine, soldier, Seattle, Wash., 4 Sept., 1895. 498. Keating. William Valentine, phvsician, Phil- adelphia, Pa., 18 April. 1894. ' Keating, .John Marie, phvsician, Colorado Springs. Col., 17 Nov.. 1893. PAOE 498. Keefer, Samuel, civil engineer, Canada, 7 Jan., 1890. 499. Keely, John Worrall, inventor, Philadelphia, Pa., 18 Nov., 1898. 504. Kelley, Benjamin Franklin, soldier, Oakland, Md., 17 July, 1891. 505. Kellev. William Darrah, congressman, Wash- ington, I). C, 9 Jan., 1890. 506. Kellogg, Samuel Henry, clergyman, Landour, India, 2 May, 1899. 509. Kelton, John Cuningham, soldier, Washing- ton, D. C. 15 July, 1893. 510. Kemhle, Frances Anne, actress, London, England, 16 Jan., 1893. 512. Kemper, James Lawson, soldier. Orange county, Va., 7 April, 1895. 514. Kendrick, Ashbel Clark, educator, Rochester, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1895. Kendrick, James Ryland, clergyman, Pough- keepsie, N. Y., 11 Dec, 1889. 515. Kendrick, Henrv Lane, educ.itor. New York city, 24 May, 1891. Kenlv, John Keese, soldier, Baltimore, Md., 20 "Dec, 1891. Kenna, John Edward, senator, Washington, D. C. 11 Jan.. 1893. 516. Kennedv, Alfred L.. physician, Philadelphia, Pa.. 30 Jan., 1896. 517. Kennedv, Anthony, senator. Annapolis, Md.. 31 July. 1892. 519. Kenny, Sir Edward, statesman, Halifax, N.S., 24 May, 1891. Kenrick, Peter Richard, archbishop, St. Louis. Mo., 4 March, 1896. 525. Kernan, Francis, senator, Utica, N. Y., 7 Sent., 1892. 527. Kershaw. Joseph Brevard, soldier, Camden, S. C. 13 April. 1894. 530. Keyes. Erasmus Darwin, soldier, Nice, France, 14 Oct.. 1895. 531. Kevser. Peter Dirck, surgeon, Philadelphia, Pa., 19 March. 1897. 532. Kidder, Daniel Parish, clergyman, Evanston, III.. 29 July, 1891. Kiddle, Henry, educator, New York city, 25 Sept., 1891. 536. Kimball. Oilman, surgeon, Lowell, Mass., 27 July, 1892. 537. Kiml)all, Nathan, soldier, Ogden, Utah, 21 Jan., 1898. Kimball, Richard Burleigh, author, New York city, 28 Dec., 1893. .'539. King, Edward, author, Brooklyn, N. Y., 28 March, 1896. King, Horatio, lawyer. Washington, D. C, 20 May. 1897. 550. Kinloch, Robert Alexander, physician, Charleston. S. C. 23 Dec. 1891. 551. Kinnev. Elizabeth Clementine, poet. Summit, N. J'.. 19 Nov., 1889. 552. Kip, William Ingraham, P. E. bishop, San Francisco, Cal., April. 1893. 555. Kirkham, Ralph Wilson, soldier, Oakland, Cal.. 24 May, 1893. 556. Kirk land. Joseph, author. Chicago, 111., 29 Aiiril. 1894. 5.57. Kirkwood. Samuel Jordan, senator, Iowa City, Iowa, 1 Sept., 1894. Kirkwood, Samuel, mathematician, Riverside, Cal., 11 June, 1895. 502. Knickerhacker. David Buel. P. E. bishop. In- dianapolis, Ind., 31 Dec, 1894. Knight. Edward Collings, merchant. Cape May, N. J., 21 July, 1892.
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