Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1900, volume 7).djvu/380

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COLOMBIA LOUISIANA Colombia, revolution in, VII, 110, Garcia-Rovira^ C. Colorado, first Kovernor of, VII, 115, Gilpin, W. ; politics, VII, 284, Wolvott. E. O. Columbus, Ohio, polities, vii, 274, Watcott, C. C. Comanehes, VII, 211, Parkfr, Q. Comets, VII, iW, Kroukx, W. K. Commerce, VII, 283. Wilsim, W. P. Competitor, trial of crew of, VII. 67. Cleveland, Q. Comatock lode. di.scovery of. VII, 105, Floods J, C. Concholojiy, VII, 112, Garrett, A. Congressional library, VII, tii, Ciittey, T. L. Copyright, VII. 281, Wiley. J. Corn-sugar industry, beginnings of, VII, 32, Bradley, L. Costa Rica, VII, 4«, Calvu, J. B. ; politics, VII, 148, Igle- siaJi, R. Cotton. VII, 41, Burden. K. Ootton iniUistry, VII, 171, Lyall. J. Courrier des fitats-Unis, VII, 100, Uixsalle, C. Creek Indians, frauds against, VII, 78, Craiefurd, T. H. Creek war. VII. 2. Adams, D. Crimean war. VII. 14, Baker, J. Croker, Richard, tried for murder, VII, 71, Clinton. H. L. Cuba, rebellion in, VII, 60, Cleveland, G. ; VII, 110, Garcia y Inignez, C: VII. 110, Gomez y Baez, M.; VII, 173, Maceo,J.: VII, 205, Ntiilez, E.; VII, 209, Paimu, T. E.; VII, 223. Oup.«idf(, G. de. Curayoa, VII, 24, Binken. J. Dahlia, discovery of. VII, 146, Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Dairying. VII, 171, Lyons, J. W. Daughter of tlie Confederacy, VII, 84, Davis, V. A. J. Davenport, George, VII, 29, Bonney, E. Davis, Jefferson, prison life, VII, 77, d'aven, .7. J. Delaware, first daily newspaper in, VII, 150, Jenkins, H. M. : jurists, VII, 103, Finney, J. ; VII, 274, Wales, L. E. ; politics, VII, 139, Higtjins, A. ; VII, 155, Kenney, R. R. Detroit, journalism, VII, 17, Barr, R. Detroit Free Press. VII. iiii. Quinhy. W. E. Dictionary, lirst English, printed in U. S., VII, 152, John- son, .S. District of Oolnmbia, jurists, VII, 78, Crawford, T. H. Dorr reijelli.Mi. VII. 32. Bradley, C. S. Duel, first in U. S., VII, 133, Hari'ison, G. Ear diseases. VII. 24.5. Sexton, S. Education, VII, 264, Thornton, J. Q. Education, industrial, VII, 31, Bovee, M. H. ; VII, 282, Williainson. ,1. V. Electoral cominissiun. VII. 1, Abbott, J. G. Electric telegrapli. VII. 2i>3, Stearns, J. B. Electricit.y. early use in medicine. VII, 45. Cadwalader, T. ; first used on war-ships, VII, 32, Bradford, R. B. ; inven- tions in. VII, 201. Te.-ilu, N. Electrot.vping. early attempt at, VII, 2, Adams, J. A. Etmira college. VII. 76. Cowles, A. V. Extradition treaties, VII, 70. Cleveland, O. Eyland, Setli. pen-name, VII, 79, Cronin, D. E. Fat Contributor, pen-name. VII, 122, Griswold, A. M. Father of statehood. VII, 47. Campbell, H. J. Fifth avenue hotel. N. Y., VII, 99, Euo. A. R. Fifth avenue Presbyterian church. N. Y., VII. 125, Hall, J. Fighting parson, Vll, 91. Denver/. J, Financial crisis of 1K93, VII, 08. Cleveland, G. Fire-extinguisher, VII. 122. Grinnell, F. Fish culture. VII. 173, McDonald, M. Fishes, VII, 220. Prince, E. E. Flag of U. S.. VII. 2.33. Ross. B. Florida, exploration in, VII, S282. Williams, J. L. ; politics, VII, 2.59, Taliaferro, J. P. Flour, manufacture of, VII, 216, Pillsbm-y, G. A. Flour riots. VII. 80. Cttrti-H, J. I, Foghorn Funston, VII, 108. Fnnston. F. Folger. C. .1., VII, 61, Cleveland. (!. Fort Washington. Cincinnati, VII. 94, Donghti/, J. Free thought. VII. 268. Underwood, B. F. Free-trade. VII. 163. Lee, H. Fur-trade, VII, 79, Crooks, R. General theological seminary, N. Y. city, illustration. VII, 247, Sherred. J. Georgia, journalism. VII, 119. Grady, H. W. ; politics, VII, 11. Atkinson. W. Y. : VII, 13. Bacon, A. O : VII. 21, Ben- ning. H L. : VII. 48, Candler, A. D. ; VII. 60. Clay, A. S. ; VII, 78. Crisp, C. F.: VII, 2.50, Smith. Hoke ; VII, 261, Tenney. A. W. : VII. 277. Wnt.<:on. T. E. Girard, Stephen, will of. VII. 34. Brewster, F. C. Gordon. Julien. pen-name, VII. 79. Crnger, J. O. S. Gorhamtown, Me., founded. VII. 118, Gorham, S. Granger laws. VII. 4. Aldrich. C. Gray Oables. illustration, VII. 64. Cleveland, G. Great awakening. Vll. 91. Dewey. J. Great Britain, war with Transvaal republic. VII, 71, Cock- ran. W. B. Greenbacks. VII. 14(1. Hill, B. A. Greenland, VII, 229, Rink, H. J. ; early history of, VII, 16, Bardsen, J. b Grover. .Stephen, Vni. 61. Cleveland, G. Guatemala, politics. VII, 100, Estrada Cabrera, M. Gun-carriages, VII, 40, Buffington. A. R. Gunnery, school in Washington, Conn., VII, 123, Gunn, F. W. Guns, experiments with, VII, 134, Haskell, J. R. Half-breeds, in New York politics, VII, 62, Cleveland, O. Hampton institute, VII. 9, Armstrong, S. C. Hancock, W. S., VII, 226, Read, L. W. Harrison, Benjamin. VII. 05, Cleveland, G. Hawaii, politics, VII, 114, Gibson, W. M.; revolution in, VII, 65, Cleveland, G.; VII, 93, Dole, S. B.; VII, 252, Stevens, J. L. ; VII, 283, Willis, A. S. Hayti, politics, VII, 141, Hippolyte, L. M. F.; VII, 164, Leger, J. N.; VII, 236, Salomon, L. E. F. 236, Sam, T. A. S. Herbert Blythe, stage-name, VII. 18, Barrymore, M. Herkimer free library, VII, 97, Earl, R. Hobl>es, John Oliver, pen-name, VII, 77, Craigie. P. M. Honneopathy, VII. 167. Lipjie. A.; VII, 169, Ludtam, R. Honduras, president of. Vll, 28, Bonilla. P. Hudson bay company, VII, 16, 17, Barnston, G. See also Canada. Hymns, VII, 151, Jennings, F. Ice-machine, VII. 118. Gorrie, J. Idaho, jurists, VII. 136. Hays, J. B.; politics, VII. 93, Don- aldson, r. C; VU, 136, Heitfield, H.; VU, 248, Shoup, Illinois, jurists, VII. 161, Lawrence, C. B.; politics, VII, 6, Altgeld, J. P.: VII, 27, Blodgelt. H. W.; VII, 254, Ste- venson, A. E.; VII. 259, Tanner. J. R. Income tax, declared unconstitutional by U. S. supremo court. VU. 69, Cleveland. G. ludeix'iulent. newspaper. VII. 31, Bowen, H. C. . India, missiouaries to, VII, 31, Bowen, G.; VII, 55, Cham- berlain, J.; VII. 120. Grayhiel. M. Indiana, jurists, VII. 128. Harrison, B.; politics, VII, 23, Beveridge, A. J.; VII, 101, Fairbanks, C. W.; VII, 216, Pierce, W. S. Indianapolis, Ind., residence of B. Harrison, illustration, VII, 131, Harrison, B. Indians, education of, VII, 83. Davin, N. F; VII, 104, Fletcher, A. C. ; VII, 250, Smiley, A.K.; VII, 278, Welsli, H. Insane, asylum for, VII, 56, Chapin. J. B- Insulation, first use of gutta-percha for, VU, 78, Craven, J.J. Interstate commerce act, VII, 4, 5, Aldrich, C. Interstate commerce commission. VII. 64. Cleveland, G. Iowa, governor of, VII. 28, Boies, H.; politics, VII, ];J6, Henderson, D. B.; VII. 1:17. Hepburn. W. P.: VU, 14.5, Hull, J. A. T.: VII, 160, Larrabee, W.; VU, 247, Shaio, L. M.: VII, 283, H'lV.-ioii. J. Iron manufacture, VII, .36, Brown, J. H. Iroquois. VII. 207, Oronhyatekha ; VII. 208, Onasdkenrat. Italy, unification of, VII, 111, Garibaldi, G. Jackson. Patrick T., VII. 29. Boott, K. January Searle. pen-name. VII. 216. Phillips. G. S. Japan, Perry^s exiJedition to. VII. 19. Beardslee. L. A,. Jeannette arctic exjiedition, , 6, 7, Ambler. J. M. M. Jews, VII. 2, Adler. C: VII, 22. Berkowitz, H.: education for, VU, 119, Gratz, H. John Oliver Hobljes. pen-name, VII. 77. Craigie. P. M. Johns Hopkins university. VU. 278, Welch. W. H. Johnson, Andrew, impeachment of, VII, 275, Ward, H. Julien Gordon, pen-name, VII. 79. Cruyer, J. G. S. Kansas, early history of, VII. 23.3. Ropes. H. J.;j>oIitic8, VII. 14, Baker. L. ; VII. 213. Peffer. W. A. ; VU, 8J4, Perkins. B. W. ; VII. 262. Thatcher. S. O. Kearsarge. illustration of, ^^I. 105, Folger, W. M. KellT. John, VII. 71, Clinton. H. L. Ken'tnckv Gazette, newspaper. ^^I. 32, Bradford, J. Kentuckv, in civil war. VII. 152. Johnmn, G. W. : jurists, VII. 287. Yerkes, J. W. : politics. VII. 71. Coburn, J. ; VII. H5. Deboe, W. J. ; VII. 99. Elliott, J. M. ; VU, 260, Taylor. R. Khartum, battle of. VII. .58. Churchill. W. L. S.-C. Kill-k.'e nnh, VII. :W. Hoiidinot, E. C. Kindercnrtelis. VII. 238. Ringt, K. D. King William's War. 1690. VII. 242. Schuyler, J. Kiughts of labor. VII. 220. Powderly, T. V. Knklux Klau. VII. 40, Callis, J. B. LacTosse. VII. 20. Bi-ers. W. G. I,ake Erie, battle of. VII, 287. YarnaU, J. J. Lake Sui>erinr, discovery of. VII. 224. Radisson, P. E. La Salle. R. C. de. murder of. VII. 101. Lrcheveque, J. de. Law. international. VII. 212. Peabodit. C. A. Lenox library. VII. 97, Fames. W. : gift to, VII, 227, Slwn-t. M. ^fcC. Liberia, VII. 80. Crummell, A. Lincoln, .Miraham. VII. 277. Weik. J. W. Little<hurch aromul llie corner. VII. 144. Houghton. G. H. Louisiana. i)olitics. VII. 173. McEnery. S. D. ; VII, 258, Sypher, J. H. ; VII, 281, Wickliffe, R. C.