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Appendix B.

Real, etc., etc., etc., with the title of Archbishop of Palmyra. On retiring he appointed to the government of the diocese, with the title of Governador do Arcehispado, D. Joaquim de S. Rita Botelho, Bishop-Elect of Cochin. When he was confirmed in the coadjutorship of Braga, by His Hohness, in the Consistory of February 17th, 1851, a royal letter, dated March, 1851, enjoined the Chapter of Goa to elect its Capitular Vicar, and on May 7th the choice fell upon—

(2G) 1851—D. Joaquim de S. Rita Botelho, a native of Goa, formerly in the extinguished order of Reformed Franciscans, Bishop-Elect of Cochin, who became Capitular Vicar and Temporal Governor of the Archbishopric on ]May 9th. In 1852 the Governor (Viscount d’Ourem) determined that the village communities, which since 1745 had paid only half-tithes (5 per cent.), should pay full dizimos (10 per cent.), thus equalising their taxation with that of individuals ; at the same time he abolished other imposts. Early in March 1853, by order of the Home Government, came D. Jeronimo Jose de Matta, Bishop of Macao, who, having ordained many priests to supply Missions of the Royal Patronage, returned to his diocese on October 28th. This visit gave rise to the celebrated brief probe nontis, against which the Ministry of H. F. Majesty protested, as a violation of patronage rights. Several publications were the result, especially the Reflexoes sobre o Padroado Portuguez no Oriente, applicadas a Proclamagdo Pastoral do Rev. Fr. Angelico, Pro-Vigario Apostolico de Bombaim, Par. um Portuguez (i.e., the Secretary, J. H. da Cunha Rivara), published in Nova Goa, 1858. He died at his post on February 8th, 1859.[1]

(27) 1859. — D. Antonio da Trindade Vasconcellos Pereira de Mello, Canon of the See of Lisbon, was appointed Archbishop-Primate o the East, on May 26th, 1859 ; but was transferred October 22nd, 1860, to the Bishopric of Beja. He appointed, as his substitute to govern the diocese of Goa, the Canon of the See of Goa, Rev. Caetano Joao Peres, a learned native of the place, who died on January 24th, 1860. Canon Antonio Jose Pereira was thereupon nominated to fill up the vacancy.

(28) 1860.—D. Joao Ciirysostomo de Amorim Pessoa was transferred from the Bishopric of Cabo Verde to the Primacy of Goa, on October 22nd, 1860. As he was unable to take up his diocese, through some objection of the Curia, the Chapter of Goa elected, scde vacante, to the Capitular Vicarship the Canon of the See of Evora, Antonio Ribeiro de Azevedo Bastos, on January r2th, 1861. Some time after, however, the Archbishop came to Goa, and after staying there for about five or six years, returned to Lisbon.

(29) 1875.—Dr. D. Ayres d'Ornellas made his solemn entry into the old city of Goa on December 29th, 1875. He is a popular prelate, young and zealous in the discharge of his duties; he has visited most of the missions southwai'd, as far as Ceylon ; and he has the reputation of, and the respect of the people for, being both pious and charitable. I frequently visited him, and was charmed by his simplicity and humility. He sells all he has to give to the poor, and keeps for himself the bare necessaries of life. Higher praise one can record of no man. May this Archbishop long live to fit his high station so nobly.

Isabel Burton.

  1. The two following notes were given to me by mj' friend Dr. da Cunha.


Hazell, Watson, aud Viney, Printers, London and Aylesbury.