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On hearing these words, I said, “Prince, who can doubt that Providence has brought me into your port, to afford you an opportunity of withdrawing from this dismal place. I am a lady of Bagdad, where I have considerable property; and I dare engage to promise you sanctuary there, until the mighty Commander of the Faithful, caliph of our prophet, whom you acknowledge, shows you the honor that is due your merit. Stay no longer in a city where you can only renew your grief; my vessel is at your service, where you may absolutely command as you shall think fit.” He accepted the offer, and as soon as it was day we left the palace, and went aboard my ship, where we found my sisters, the captain, and the slaves, all much troubled at my absence. After I had presented my sisters to the prince, I told them what had hindered my return the day before, how I had met with the young prince, his story, and the cause of the desolation of so fine a city.

The seamen were taken up several days in unlading the merchandise I brought with me, and embarking in its stead many of the precious things in the palace, especially jewels, gold, and money.

After we had laden the vessel with what we thought most desirable, we took such provisions and water aboard as were necessary for our voyage; at last we set sail with a favorable wind.

The young prince, my sisters, and myself passed our time