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incorrigible, and his father was forced to abandon him to his idleness; which so much troubled him, that he fell sick and died in a few months.

Aladdin, now no longer restrained by the fear of a father, gave himself entirely over to his idle habits, and was always in the streets with his companions. This course he followed till he was fifteen years old, without giving his mind to any useful pursuit, or the least reflection on what would become of him.

As he was one day playing with his evil associates, a stranger passing by stood to observe him.

This stranger was a sorcerer, known as the African magician, but two days arrived from Africa, his native country.

The African magician, observing in Aladdin something which assured him that he was a fit boy for his purpose, inquired his name and history of one of his companions, and when he had learnt all he desired to know, went up to him, and taking him aside from his comrades, said, “Child, was not your father called Mustapha the tailor?” “Yes, sir,” answered the boy, “but he has been dead a long time.”

At these words the African magician threw his arms about Aladdin’s neck, and kissed him several times, with tears in his eyes, saying, “I am your uncle. Your worthy father was my own brother. I knew you at first sight, you are so like him.” Then he gave Aladdin a handful of small money, say-