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Aladdin, and hoped by a mixture of kindness and authority to make him obedient to his word and will. When he found that this attempt had failed, he set out to return to Africa, but avoided the town, lest any person who had seen him leave in company with Aladdin should make inquiries after the youth.

Aladdin being suddenly enveloped in darkness, cried and called to his uncle to tell him he was ready to give him the lamp; but in vain, since his cries could not heard. He descended to the bottom of the steps, with a design to get into the palace, but the door, which was opened before by enchantment, was now shut by the same means. He then redoubled his cries and tears until, exhausted, he sat down on the steps without any hope of seeing light again, in expectation of passing from the present darkness to a speedy death. In this great emergency he said, “There is no strength or power but in the great and high God;” and in joining his hands to pray he rubbed the ring which the magician had put on his finger. Immediately a genie of frightful aspect appeared, and said, “What wouldst thou have? I am ready to obey thee. I serve him who possesses the ring on thy finger; I, and the other slaves of that ring.”

At another time Aladdin would have been frightened at the sight of so extraordinary a figure, but the danger he was in made him answer without hesitation, “Whoever thou art, deliver me from this place.” He had no sooner spoken these