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he might in some degree share his own power and wealth, bestowed on him the kingdom of Great Tartary. Schah-zenan left to take possession of the empire allotted him, and fixed his residence at Samarcand, the chief city.

After a separation of ten years Schah-riar ardently desired to see his brother, and sent his first vizier, with a splendid embassy, to invite him to revisit his court. Schah-zenan being informed of the approach of the vizier, went out to meet him with all his ministers, magnificently dressed for the occasion, and urgently inquired after the health of the sultan, his brother. Having replied to these affectionate inquiries, the vizier unfolded the more especial purpose of his coming. Schah-zenan, much affected at the kindness of his brother, then addressed the vizier in these words: “Sage vizier, the sultan, my brother, does me too much honor. It is impossible that his wish to see me can exceed my anxious desire of again beholding him. You have come at an opportune moment. My kingdom is tranquil, and in ten days’ time I will be ready to depart with you. In the meanwhile pitch your tents on this spot. I will order every refreshment and accommodation for you and your whole train.”

At the end of ten days everything was ready. Schah-zenan took a tender leave of the queen, his consort, and accompanied by such officers as he had appointed to attend him, left Samarcand in the evening, to be near the tents of his brother’s ambassador, with the intention of proceeding on