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left him to go back to his stall, while he returned to the forest, sure that he should be very well received.

A little after the robber and Baba Mustapha had parted, Morgiana went out of Ali Baba’s house upon some errand, and upon her return, seeing the mark the robber had made, stopped to observe it. “What can be the meaning of this mark?” said she to herself; “somebody intends my master no good: however, with whatever intention it was done, it is advisable to guard against the worst.” Accordingly, she fetched a piece of chalk, and marked two or three doors on each side in the same manner, without saying a word to her new master or mistress.

In the mean time, the robber rejoined his troop in the forest, and recounted to them his success, expatiating upon his good fortune in meeting so soon with the only person who could have told him what he wanted to know. All the robbers listened to him with the utmost satisfaction; and the captain, after commending him, addressing himself to them all, said, “Comrades, we have no time to lose: let us set off well armed, but that we may not excite any suspicion, let only one or two go into the town together, and join at our rendezvous, which shall be the great square. In the mean time, our comrade who brought us the good news and I will go and observe the house, that we may consult what had best be done.”

This plan was approved by all, and they were soon ready. They filed off in parties of two each, and got into the town