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kitchen, where as soon as she had lighted her lamp, she took a great kettle, went again to the oil-jar, filled the kettle, set it on a large wood fire and as soon as it boiled, went and poured enough of the boiling oil into every jar to destroy the robber within.

When this action, worthy of the courage of Morgiana, was executed, she returned into the kitchen with the empty kettle; and having put out the great fire she had made to boil the oil, and leaving just enough to make the broth, put out the lamp also, and remained silent, resolving not to go to rest till she had observed what might follow through a window of the kitchen, which opened into the yard.

She had not waited long before the captain of the robbers got up, opened the window, and finding no light, and hearing no noise, or any one stirring in the house, gave the appointed signal, by throwing little stones, several of which hit the jars, as he could tell by the sound they gave. He listened, but not hearing or perceiving anything whereby he could judge that his companions stirred, he began to grow uneasy, threw stones a second and also a third time, and could not understand why none of them answered his signal. Much alarmed, he went softly down into the yard, and going to the first jar smelt the hot boiled oil, which sent forth a steam out of the jar. Examining all the jars, one after another, he found that all his gang was dead; and, enraged to