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after their repast they again conversed, till Schah-riar, perceiving the night far advanced, left his brother to repose.

The unfortunate Schah-zenan retired to his couch; but if the presence of the sultan had for a while suspended his grief, it now returned with redoubled force. Every circumstance of the queen’s wickedness lived in his mind and kept him awake, impressing such a look of sorrow on his countenance that the sultan next morning could not fail to remark it. Conscious that he had done all in his power to testify to his continued love and affection, he sought diligently to amuse his brother, but the most splendid entertainments and the gayest fêtes only served to increase his melancholy.

Schah-riar having one morning given orders for a grand hunting party, at the distance of two days’ journey from the city, Schah-zenan requested permission to remain in his palace, excusing himself on account of a slight indisposition. The sultan wishing to please him, gave his consent and went with all his court to partake of the sport.

The King of Tartary was no sooner alone than he shut himself up in his apartment, and gave way to sorrowful recollection of the calamity which had befallen him. As he sat thus grieving at the open window looking out upon the beautiful garden of the palace, he suddenly saw the sultana, the beloved wife of his brother, meet in the garden and hold secret conversation with a man. Upon witnessing this, Schah-zenan determined within himself that he would no