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is that the merchants come to the heights above this valley, when the eagles have young ones, and throw great joints of meat into the valley, to which some diamonds stick; the eagles, which are stronger in this country than anywhere else, pounce with great force upon the pieces of meat and carry them to their nests on the precipices to feed their young: the merchants run to the nests, drive off the eagles by their shouts, and take away the diamonds that stick to the meat.

I perceived in this device the means of my deliverance.

Having collected together the largest diamonds I could find, and put them into the leather bag in which I used to carry my provisions, I took the largest of the pieces of meat, tied it close round me with the cloth of my turban, and then laid myself upon the ground, with my face downward, the bag of diamonds being made fast to my girdle.

I had scarcely placed myself in this posture when one of the eagles, having taken me up with the piece of meat to which I was fastened, carried me to his nest on the top of the mountain. The merchants immediately began their shouting to frighten the eagles; and when they had obliged them to quit their nests, one of them came to that where I was. He was much alarmed when he saw me; but recovering himself, instead of inquiring how I came thither, began to quarrel with me, and asked why I stole his goods. “Do not be un-