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At the end of that time he had learned to value her rare virtue, her cheerfulness and good courage, quite as much as her prodigious memory and the excellent manner of her narration. He had long since resolved to abjure his wicked vow, and one morning he told her so.

“Lovely princess,” said he, “not only do I free you from the sentence of death imposed upon you through your marriage with me, but I will proclaim throughout my entire kingdom and the whole world that it is you, and you alone, who have saved countless damsels from the fate that has hung over them. I realize the rashness of my vow, and refuse any longer to be bound by it. I trust that we shall have many long years yet to live together in happiness, and that I shall hear many more relations from you, when you are moved to tell me of your stories.”

It is easy to imagine the joy of the grand vizier at these tidings. The news was received throughout the kingdom with the wildest rejoicing, and the blessings of the entire people were showered upon Scheherazade, whose wit, courage and devotion had saved not only her own life, but that of many other young women.