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The Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and
Five Ladies of Bagdad

In the reign of Caliph Haroun al Raschid, there was at Bagdad a porter, a fellow of wit and humor. One morning as he was at the place where he usually waited for employment, with his great basket before him, a lady, covered with a muslin veil, accosted him, and said with a pleasant air, “Hark you, porter, take your basket and follow me.” The delighted porter took his basket immediately, set it on his head, and followed the lady, exclaiming, “Oh, happy day, oh, day of good luck!”

In a short time the lady stopped before a gate and knocked: a Christian, with a venerable long white beard, opened it, and she put money into his hand without speaking; but the Christian, who knew what she wanted, went in, and shortly after brought out a large jar of excellent wine. “Take this