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pease him. “O genie,” said I, “restrain your rage, and since you will not take away my life, pardon me freely, as a good dervish pardoned one who envied him.” “And how was that?” said he. I answered as follows:

But with these words Scheherazade ceased, and turning to the sultan, said sadly:

“Sire, I perceive that the day has surprised us before I have related the whole story of the Calenders and the Ladies of Bagdad. If you could once more postpone the date of my execution, I can to-morrow morning continue the relation, which grows ever more surprising.”

To this the sultan made no objection. The grand vizier, waiting in terror for the fatal command, was once again made happy by hearing that his beloved daughter was to live for yet another day.

The next morning, an hour before day, Scheherazade, not waiting for her slave to speak to her, began where she had previously left off.