Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/29

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Will you be pleas’d to allow me the Comfort of giving her this laſt Teſtimony of my Friendſhip. Schahriar having conſented to it, Dinarzade was ſent for, who came with all poſſible Diligence. The Sultan went to Bed with Scheherazade, upon an Alcove rais’d very high, according to the Cuſtom of the Monarchs of the Eaſt, and Dinarzade lay in a Bed that was prepared for her, near the Foot of the Alcove.

An Hour before Day being awake, fail’d not to do as her Siſter order’d her. My dear Siſter, cries ſhe, if you be not aſleep, I pray, until Day break, which will be in a very little time, that you will tell me one of thoſe pleaſant Stories you have read; Alas! this may perhaps be the laſt time that ever I ſhall have that Satisfaction.

Scheherazade, inſtead of anfwering her Sifter, addreſs’d her ſelf to the Sultan, thus: Sir, will your Majeſty be pleas’d to allow me to give my Siſter this Satisfaction? With all my Heart, anſwers the Sultan. Then Scheherazade bid her Siſter liſten, and afterwards addreſſing her ſelf to Schahriar, begun thus,

The Firſt Night.

The Merchant and the Genie.


THere was formerly a Merchant, who had a great Eftate in Lands, Goods, and Money, He had abundance of Deputies, Factors, and Slaves: He was oblig’d from time to time, to take Journies; and talk with his Correfpondents; and one Day being under a neceſſity of going a long Journey, about an Affair of importance, he took Horſe, and put a Portmanteau behind him with fome Biskets and Dates, becauſe he had a great Defart to paſsover, where he could have no manner of Proviſions. He arriv’d without any Accident at the end of his Journey; and having diſpatch’d his Affairs, took Horſe again, in order to return home.

The fourth Day of his Journey, he was ſo much incommoded by the heat of the Sun, and the Reflexion of that
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