Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/4

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Epiſtle Dedicatory.

inform’d that thoſe Seven Stories were taken out of a prodigious Collection of Stories of the like ſort, entituled One Thousand and One Nights. This Diſcovery oblig’d me to ſuſpend the Printing of them, and to uſe my Endeavours to get that Collection; I was forced to ſend for it from Syria, and I have tranſlated into French this firſt Volume, being One of the Four that were ſent me. Theſe Stories will certainly divert you, Madam, much more than thoſe you already ſeen. They are new to you, and more in Number: You will alſo perceive, with Pleaſure, the ingenious Deſign of this anonymous Arabian who has given us theſe Stories after the manner of his Country, fabulous indeed, but very diverting.

I beg, Madam, your Acceptance of this finall Preſent, which I have the Honour to make to you; it is a publick Teſtimony of my Acknowledgment of the profound Reſpect, with which I am, and ſhall for ever be,


Your moſt humble, and

moſt obedient Servant,
