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ſhall ſee how I will reward the great Service I expect from you. As to what relates to my Wife, I alſo agree to it; a Perſon that has been capable of committing ſuch a criminal Action, deſerves very well ta be puniſhed; I leave her to you, only I muſt pray you not to take her Life. I am juſt a going then, anſwers ſhe, to treat her as ſhe has treated your Son: I to it, ſays I, provided you reſtore my Son to me before-hand.

Then the Maid tooka Veſſel full of Water, pronounc’d Words over it that I did not underſtand; and addrefſing her ſelf to the Calf, O Calf, fays ſhe; if thou waſt created by the Almighty and Sovereign Maſter of the World, fuch as you appear at this time, continue in,that Form; but if thou beeſt a Man, and art chang’d into Calf by Enchantment; return to thy natural Shape, by the Permiſſion of the Sovereign-Creator. As ſhe ſpoke theſe Words, ſhe threw Water upon him, and in an inſtant he recover’d his firſt Shape.

My Son, my dear Son, cry’d I, immediately embracing him with ſuch a Tranſport of Joy, that I knew not what I was doing, it is Heaven that hath ſent us this young Maid, to take off the horrible Charm by which you were enchanted, and to avenge the Injury done to you and your Mother. I doubt not, but in Acknowledgment, you will take your Deliverer to Wife, as I have promis’d. He conſented to it with Joy; but before they married, ſhe chang’d my Wife into a Bitch; and this is ſhe you ſee here I deſir’d ſhe ſhould have this Shape, rather than another leſs agreeable, that we might ſee her in the Family without Horror.

Since that time, my Son is become a Widower, and gone to travel; and it-being ſeveral Years fince I heard of him; I am come abroad to enquire after him; and not being willing to truſt any body with my Wife, while I ſhould come home, I thought fit to carry her every where with me. This is the Hiſtory of my ſelf and this Bitch; is it not one of the moſt wonderful and ſurprizing that can be? I agree it is, fays the Genie, and upon that Account, I forgive the Merchant the third of his Crime.
