Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/42

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one thouſand Sequins: With that Sum, we all enter’d into the ſame way of living, and became Merchants. A little time after we had open’d Shop, my eldeſt Brother, one of thoſe two Dogs, reſolv’d to travel and trade in foreign Countries. Upon this Deſign, he fold his Eſtate, and bought Goods proper for the, Trade he intended.

He went away, and was abſent a whole Year; at the end of which, a poor Man, who I thought had come to ask Alms, preſented himſelf before me in my Shop. I ſaid to him, God help you; God help you alſo; anſwer’d he, is it poſſible you don’t know me? Upon this I look’d to him narrowly, and knew him: Ah, Brother, cry’d I, embracing him, how could I know you in this Condition? I made him come into my Houſe, and ask’d him concerning His Health and the Succeſs of his Travels, Don’t ask me that Question ſays he; when you ſee me, you ſee all: It would only renew my Grief, to tell you all the particulars of the Misfortunes that have befal’n me, and reduc’d me to this Condition, ſince I left you.

I immediately ſhut up my Shop, and carrying him to a Bath, gave him the beft Cloaths I had by me; and examining my Books, and finding that I had doubled my Stock, that’s to fay, that I was worth two thouſand Sequins, I gave him one half. With that, ſays, Brother, you may make up your Loſs. He joyfully accepted the Proffer, recover’d himſelf, and we lived together as before.

Some time after, my ſecond Brother, who is the other of theſe two Dogs, would alſo ſell his, Eſtate; I, and his other Brother, did all we could to divert him from it, but could not; He ſold it, and with the Money bought ſuch Goods, as were ſuitable to the Trade he deſign’d. He join’d a Caravan, and took a Journey. He return’d at the end of the Year, in the ſame Condition as my other Brother; and I having gain’d another thouſand Sequins, gave him them, with which he furniſt’d his Shop, and continued to follow his Trade.

Sometime after, one of my Brothers comes to me to propoſe a trading Voyage with: them; I immediately rejected their Propoſal, You have travell’d, ſays I, and what
