Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/45

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reſented my ſelf before you in that Diſguiſe wherein you ſaw me. You have dealt very generously with me, and I am mighty glad to have found an Opportunity of teſtifying my Acknowledgment to you: But I am incens’d againſt your Brothers, and nothing will ſatify me but their Lives.

I liſten’d to this Diſcourſe of the Fairy, with Admiration; I thank’d her as well as I could, for the great Kindneſs ſhe had done me: But Madam, fays I, for my Brothers, I beg you to pardon them; whatever cauſe they have given me, I am not cruel enough to deſire their Death, I told her the Particulars of what I had done for them, which increas’d her Indignation ſo, that ſhe cry’d out, I muſt immediately fly after thoſe ungrateful Traitors, and take ſpeedy Vengeance on them; I will drown their Veſſel, and throw them in to the Bottom of the Sea. No, my good Lady, replied I, for the ſake of Heav’n don’t do ſo; moderate your Anger, conſider that they are my Brothers, and that we muſt do Good tor Evil.

I pacify’d the Fairy by thoſe Words; and as ſoon as I had ſpoke them, ſhe tranſſported m ein an inſtant from the Ilfland where we were, to the Roof of my own Houſe, which was terraſs’d, and diſappear’d in a Moment. I went down,

open’d the Doors, and dug up the three thouſand Sequins I had hid. I went afterwards to the Place where my Shop was, which I alſo opened; and was complimented by the Merchants my Neighbours, upon my Return, When I went to my Houſe, I perceiv’d two black Dogs, which came to me in a very ſubmiſſive Manner: I knew not what it meant, but was much aſtoniſh’d at it. But the Fairy, who appear’d immediately, ſays to me, Husband, don’t be ſurpriz’d to ſee theſe two black Dogs by you, they are your two Brothers. I was troubled at thoſe Words, and ask’d her, by what Power they were ſo transform’d. It was I that did it, ſays ſhe, at leaſt I gave Commiſſion to one of my Siſters to do it, who at the fame time ſunk their Ship. You have loſt the Goods you had on board, but I will make it up to you another way. As to your two Brothers, I have condemn’d ’em to remain five Years in that Shape, Their
