Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/53

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Dinarzade, to hear an end of the Story, did again put off the Execution of the Sultaneſs.

The Eleventh Night.

SChahriar, and the Princeſs his Spouſe, paſſed this Night in the ſame manner as they had done the former, and before break of Day, Dinarzarde awak’d them with theſe Words, ſhe addreſs’d to the Sultaneſs: I pray you, Siſter, to reſume the Story of the Fiſherman; with all my Heart, ſaid Scheherazade, I am. willing to ſatisfy you, with the Sultan’s Permiſſion.

The Genie (continued ſhe) having promiſed to ſpeak the truth, the Fiſherman ſays to him, I would know if you were actually in this Veſſel? Dare you ſwear it,by the Name of the great God? Yes, replied the Genie, I do ſwear by that great Name, that I was, and it is a certain truth: In good ſaith, anſwer’d the Fiſherman, I cannot believe you; the Veſſel is not capable to hold one of your Feet, and how ſhould it be poſſible that your whole Body could lie in it? I ſwear to thee, notwithſtanding, replied the Genie, that I was there juſt as you ſee me here: Is it poſſible, that thou doſt not believe me, after this great Oath that I have taken? Truly not, ſaid the Fiſherman; nor will I believe you, unleſs you ſhew it me.

Upon which, the Body of the Genie was diffolv’d, and chang’d it ſelf into Smoak, extending it ſelf as formerly, upon the Sea and Shoar; and then at laſt being gather’d together, it began to re-enter the Veſſel, which it ſo continued to do ſucceſſively, by a ſlow and equal Motion, after a ſmooth and exact way, till nothing was lefr out, and immediately a Voice came forth, which ſaid to the Fiſherman, Well now, incredulous Fellow, I am all in the Veſſel don’t you believe me now?

The Fiſherman, inſtead of anſwering the Genie took the Cover of Lead, and having ſpeedily ſhut the Veſſel, Genie, cries he, now it’s your turn to beg my Favour, and to chuſe which way I ſhall put you to Death; but not ſo it’s better that I ſhould throw you into the Sea, whence I
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