Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/61

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the Truth in this, might alſo have lied to him in the other upon which he took it out of the Cage, and threw it with ſo much Force to the Ground, that he kill’d it. Yet afterwards he underſtood by his Neighbours, that the poor Parrot had not lied to him, when it gave him an Account of his Wife’s baſe Conduct, which made him repent he had kill’d it. Scheherazade ſtopp’d here, becauſe ſhe ſaw it was Day.

All that you tell us, Siſter, ſays Dinarzade, is ſo curious, that nothing can be more agreeable. I ſhall be willing to divert you, anſwers Scheherazade, if the Sultan, my Maſter, will allow me Time to do it. Schahriar, who took as much Pleaſure to hear the Sultaneſs, as Dinarzade, aroſe and went about his Affairs, without ordering the Viſier to cut her off.

The Fifteenth Night,

DInarzade was punctual this Night, as ſhe had been the former, to awake her Siſter, and begg’d of her, as uſual, to tell her a Story. I am going to do it, Siſter, ſays Scheherazade; but the Sultan interrupted her, for fear ſhe ſhould begin a new Story, and bid her finiſh the Diſcourſe betwixt the Grecian King and his Viſier, about his Phyſician Douban. Sir, ſays Scheherazade, I will obey you, and went on with the Story as follows.

When the Grecian King, ſays the Fiſherman to the Genie, had finiſh’d the Story of the Parrot; and you, Viſier, adds he, becauſe of the Hatred you bear to, the Phyfician Douban, who never did you any Hurt, you would have me cut him off; but I will take care of that, for fear I ſhould repent it, as the Husband did the killing of his Parrot.

The miſchievous Viſier was too much concern’d to effect the Ruin of the Phyſician Douban, to ſtop here. Sir, ſays he, the Death of the Parrot was but a Trifle, and I believe his Mafter did not mourn for him long: But why ſhould your Fear of wronging an innocent Man, hinder your putting this Phyſician to Death? Is it not enough that he is accus’d of a Deſign againſt your Life, to autho-
