Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/69

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continu’d The, as ſoon as the Fiſherman had concluded the Hiſtory of the Greek King and his Phyſician Douban, he made the Application to the Genie, whom he ſtil] kept ſhut up in the Veſſel, If the Grecian King, ſays he, would have ſuffer’d the Phyſician to live, God would alſo have ſuffered him to live; but he rejected his moſt humble Prayers, and it’s the ſame with thee, O Genie! Could I have prevail’d with thee, to grant me the Favour I demanded, I ſhould now have had pity upon thee; but ſince, notwithſtanding the extream Obligation thou waſt under to me, for having ſet thee at Liberty, thou didft perſiſt in thy Deſign to kill me, I am oblig’d, in my turn, to be as hard-hearted to thee.

My good Friend, Fiſherman, replies the Genie, I conjure thee once more, not to be guilty of ſo cruel a Thing; conſider, that it is not good to avenge one’s ſelf, and that on the other hand, it’s commendable to Good for Evil; don’t treat me as Imama treated Ateca formerly. And what did Imama to Ateca, replies the Fiſnerman? Ho! ſays the Genie, if you have a mind to know it, open the Veſſel; do you think that I can be in a Humour to tell Stories, in ſo ſtrait a Priſon. I will tell you as many as you pleaſe, when you let me out. No, ſays the Fiſherman, I will not let thee out, it’s in vain to talk of it, I am juſt going to throw you into the Bottom of the Sea. Hear me one Word more, cries the Genie, I promiſe to do thee no hurt; nay, ſar from that, I will ſhew thee a way how thou mayſt become exceeding rich.

The Hope of delivering himſelf from Poverty, prevail’d with the Fiſherman. I could liſten to thee, ſays he, were there any Credit to be given to thy Word; ſwear to me by the great Name of God, that you will ſaithfully perform what you promiſe, and I will open the Veſſel; I don’t believe you will dare to break ſuchan Oath.

The Genie ſwore to him, and the Fiſnerman immediately took off the Covering of the Veſſel: At that very Inſtant the Smoak came out, and the Genie having reſum’d his Form, as before, the firſt thing he did, was to kick the Veſſel into the Sea. This Action frightened the Fiſherman: Genie, ſays he, what’s the Meaning of that? won’t you
