Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/74

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The Sultan being much ſurpriz’d, was mighty impatieft to fee this himſelf. To this end, he ſent immediately for the Fiſherman, and ſays to him, Friend, can’t you bring me four more ſuch Fiſhes? the Fiſherman reply’d, if your Majeſty will be pleas’d to allow me three Days time, I’ll do it. Having obtain’d his Time, he went to the Pond immediately, and at the firſt throwing in of his Net, he took four ſuch Fiſhes, and brought them preſently to the Sultan, who was ſo much the more rejoiced at it, that he did not expect them ſo ſoon, and order’d him other four hundred Pieces of Gold. As ſoon as the Sultan had the Fiſh, he order’d them to be carry’d into his Cloſet, with all that was neceſſary for frying them; and having ſhut himſelf up there with his Viſier, that Miniſter gutted them, put em in the Pan upon the Fire, and when they were fry’d on one Side, turn’d them upon the other; then the Wall of the Cloſet open’d, but inſtead of the young Lady, there came out a Black, in Habit of a Slave, and a gigantick Stature, with a great green Batton in his Hand. He advanc’d towards the Pan, and touching one of the Fiſhes with his Batton, ſays to it, with a terrible Voice, Fiſh, art thou in thy Duty? At theſe Words, the Fiſhes rais’d up their Heads, and anſwer’d, Yes, yes, we are; if you reckon, we reckon; if you pay your Debts, we pay ours; if you we overcome, and are content.

The Fiſhes had no ſooner finiſh’d thoſe Words, but the Black threw the Pan into the middle of the Cloſet, and reduc’d the Fiſhes to a Coal. Having done this, he retir’d fiercely, and entering again into the Hole of the Wall, it ſhut, and appear’d juſt as it was before.

After what I have ſeen, ſays the Sultan to the Viſier, it will not be poſſible for me to be eaſy in my Mind. Theſe Fiſn, without doubt, ſignify ſomething extraordinary, in which I have a mind to be ſatisfied. He ſent for the Fiſherman, and when he came, ſays to him, Fiſherman, the Fiſhes you have brought us, make me very uneaſy; where did you catch them? Sir, anſwers he, I fiſh’d for them in a Pond fituated betwixt four Hills, beyond the Mountain that we ſee from hence. Know you that Pond, ſays the Sultan to the Viſier? No, Sir, replies the Viſier, I never
