Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/8

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cluded from all Share of the Government; by the laws of the Empire, and oblig’d to live a private Life; was ſo far from envying the Happineſs of his Brother, that he made it his whole Buſineſs to pleaſe him, and effected it without much Difficulty. Schahriar, who had naturally a great Affection for that Prince, was ſo charm’d with his Complaiſance, that out of an Exceſs of Friendſhip, he would needs divide his Dominions with him, and gave him the Kingdom of Great Tartary; Schahzenan went immediately and took Poſſeſſion of it, and fixſd the Seat of his Government at Samarcande, the Metropolis of the Country.

After they had been ſeparated ten Years, Schahriar having a paſſionate Defire to ſee. his. Brother, reſolved to ſend an Ambaſſidor to invite him to Court. He made choice of his Prime Viſier for the Embaſſy, ſent him to Tartary with a Retinue anſwerable to his Dignity, and he made all poſſible haſte to Samarcande. When he came near the City, Schahzenan had Notice of it, and went to meet him with the principal Lords of his Court, who, to put the more Honour on the Sultan’s Miniſter, appeared in magnificent Apparel. The King of Tartary receiv’d the Ambaſſador with the greateſt Demonftrations of Joy, and immediate!y asking him concerning the Welfare of the Sultan his Brother. The Viſier having acquainted him that he was in Health, gave him an Account of his Embaſſay, Schahzenan was ſo much affected with it, that he anſwered thus: Sage Viſier, the Sultan my Brother does me too much Honour; he conld propoſe nothing in the World fo acceptable; I long as paſſionately to ſee him, as he does to ſee me. Time has been no more able to diminiſh my Friendſhip than his. My Kingdom is in Peace, and I defire no more but ten Days to get myſelf ready to go with you. So that there’s no Neceſſity of your entering the City, for ſo ſhort a Time: I pray youto pitch your Tents here, and I will order Proviſions in Abundance for your ſelf and your Company. The Viſier did accordingly, and as ſoon as the King returned, he ſent him a prodigious Quantity of Proviſions of all ſorts, with Preſents of great value.

In the mean while, Schahzenan made ready for his Journey, took Order about his moſt important Affairs, ap-
