Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/81

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wakes him by the Smell of fomething ſhe puts under his Noſe.

You may gueſs, my Lord, how much I was ſurpriz’d at this Diſcourſe, and with what Sentiments it inſpir’d me; yet, whatever Emotions it made within me, I had Command enough over my ſelf to diſſemble it; feign’d my ſelf to wake without having heard one word of ft.

The Queen return’d from the Bath, we ſupp’d together, and before we went to Bed, ſhe preſented me with a Cup full of ſuch Water as I was accuſtomed to drink, but inſtead of putting it to my Mouth, I went to a Window that ſtood open, an threw out the Water ſo privately, that ſhe did not perceive it, and put the Cup again into her Hands, to perſwade her that I had drunk it.

We went to Bed together, and ſoon after, believing that I was aſleep, tho’ I was not, ſhe got up with ſo little Precaution, that ſhe ſaid, ſo loud as I could hear it diſtinctly, Sleep, and may you never wake again: She dreſs’d her ſelf ſpeedily, and went out of the Chamber.——As Scheherazade ſpoke thoſe Words, ſhe ſaw Day appear, and ftopp’d.

Dinarzade had heard her Siſter with a great deal of Pleaſure, and Schahriar thought the Hiſtory of the King of the Black-Iſles ſo worthy of his Curioſity, that he roſe up full of Impatience, for the return of the Night, that he might hear the reſt of it.

The Twenty Third Night.

AN Hour before Day, Dinarzad being awake, ſail’d not to call upon the Sultaneſs, and ſaid, Pray, dear Siſter, go on with the Hiſtory of the young King of the four Black-Iſlands. Scheherazade calling to mind where ſhe had left off,reſum’d the Story thus.

Aſſoon as the Queen my Wife went out, continues the King of the Black-Iſlands, I got up; dreſs’d me in haſte took my Scimiter, and follow’d her-ſo quick, that I foon heard the ſound of her Feet before me, and then walk’d ſoftly after her, for fear of being heard. She paſs’d thro’ ſeveral Gates, which open’d upon her, pronouncing ſome
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