Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/87

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rent Religions, that inhabited the Place: The White are the Muſſulmen, the Red the Perſians, who worſhipped the Fire, the Blue the Chriſtians, and the Yellow the Jews: The four little Hills were the four Iſlands that gave Name to this Kingdom. I learn’d all this from the Magician, who, to add to my Affliction, told me with her own Mouth, thoſe Effects of her Rage. But this is not all, her Revenge was not ſatisfy’d with the Deſtruction of my Dominions, and the Metamorphoſis of my Perſon, ſhe comes every Day, and gives me over my naked Shoulders an hundred Blows with Ox-pizzles, which makes me all over Blood; and when ſhe has done ſo, covers me with a coarſe Stuff of Goats Hair, and throws over it this Robe of Brocade that you ſee, not to do me Honour, but to mock me.

At this Part of the Diſcourſe, the young King could not withold his Tears; and the Sultan’s Heart was ſo pierc’d with the Relation, that he could not ſpeak one Word to comforthim. A little time after, the young King lifting up his Eyes to Heaven, cry’d out, Mighty Creator of all Things, I ſubmit my ſelf to your Judgments, and to the Decrees of your Providence: I endure my Calamities with Patience, ſince it’s your Will it ſhould be ſo; but I hope your infinite Goodneſs will reward me for it.

The Sultan being much mov’d by the Recital of ſo ſtrange a Story, and animated to revenge this unfortunate Prince, ſays to him, Tell me whither this perſidious Magician retires; and where her unworthy Gallant may be, who is bury’d before his Death. My Lord, replies the Prince, her Gallant, as I have already told you, is in the Palace of Tears, in a Tomb in Form of a Dome, and that Palace joyns to this Caſtle on the Side of the Gate; to the Magician, I can’t preciſely tell whither ſhe retires, but every Day at Sun-riſing ſhe goes to ſee her Gallant, after having executed her bloody Vengeance upon me, as | have told you; and you ſee I am not in a Condition to defend my ſelf againſt ſo great Cruelty. She carries him the Drink with which ſhe has hitherto prevented his dying, and always complains of his never ſpeaking to her ſince he was wounded,
