Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/91

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while the Enchantreſs return’d to the Palace of Tears, and ſuppoſing that ſhe ſtill ſpoke to the Black, ſays, Dear Lover, I have done what you ordered, let nothing now hinder you to give me that Satisſaction of which I have been depriv’d ſo long.

The Sultan continued to counterfeit the Language of the Blacks: That which you have juſt now done, ſaid he, fignifies nothing to my Cure, you have only eas’d me of part of my Diſeaſe; you muſt cut it up by the Roots. My lovely Black, replies ſhe, What do you mean by the Root?Unfortunate Woman, replies the Sultan, don’t you underſtand that I mean the Town, and its Inhabitants, and the four Iſlands, which thou haſt deſtroy’d by thy Enchantments?

The Fiſhes every Night at midnight, raiſe their Heads out of the Pond, and cry for Vengeance againſt thee and me. This is the true Cauſe of the Delay of my Cure. Go ſpeedily, reſtore things as they were, and at thy Return I will give thee my Hand, and thou ſhalt help me to riſe.

The Enchantreſs fil’d with Hopes from thoſe Words, cried out in a Tranſport of Joy, My Heart, my Soul, you ſhall ſoon be reſtor’d to your Health, for I will immediately do what you command me. Accordingly ſhe went that Moment and when ſhe came to the Brink of the Pond, ſhe took a little Water in her Hand, and ſprinkling it——Here Scheherazade ſaw Day, and ſtopp’d.

Dinarzade ſays to the Sultaneſs, Siſter, I am much rejoyc’d to hear that the young King of the Four Black-Iſlands was diſenchanted, and I already conſider the Town and the Inhabitants, as reſtor’d to their former State; but I long to know what will become of the Enchantrefs. Have a little Patience, Siſter, replies the Sultaneſs, you ſhall have the Satisſaction you defire to morrow, if the Sultan my Lord will conſent to it. Schahriar having reſolv’d on’t already, as was ſaid before, roſe up and went about his Buſineſs.
