Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/98

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and Safie took the Basket, the one before and the other behind, and Zobeide alſo lent her Hand and all Three together ſet it on the Ground. They empty’d it, and when they had done; the beautiful Amine, took out Money and paid the Porter liberally. Day-light appearing, Scheherazade was oblig’d to keep ſilence; but Schahriar having a great Deſire to hear the reſt of the Story, he order’d the Sultaneſs to go on with it next Night.

The Thirtieth Night.

NExt Morning Dinarzade being awak’d by her Impatience to hear the reſt of the Story, ſays to the Sultaneſs, for the ſake of Heaven, Siſter, if you be not aſleep give us an Account what the Ladies did with the Proviſions bought by Amine; you ſhall quickly hear it, ſays Schehazade, if you liſten to my Story, which ſhe reſum’d as follows.

The Porter very well ſatisfy’d with the Money he had receiv’d, was to have taken up his Basket and be gone; but he could not tell how to think on’t. Do what he could, he found himſelf ſtopp’d by the Pleaſure of ſeeing Three ſuch Beauties, who appear’d to him equally charming; for Amine having now laid aſide her Veil, was as handſome as either of ’em. That which ſurpriz’d him moſt, was, that he ſaw never a Man about the Houſe, yet moſt of the Proviſions he brought in, as the dry Fruits and ſeveral ſorts of Cakes and Confections, were fit chiefly for thoſe who could drink and make merry.

Zobeide thought at firſt, that the Porter ſtaid only to take his Breath, but perceiving that he ſaid too long. What d’ye wait for, ſays ſhe, are you not well enough paid? and turning to Amine, ſays, Siſter, give him ſomething more, that he may depart ſatisfied. Madam, replies the Porter, it is not that which ſtays me, I am over and above paid: I am ſenſible that I am unmannerly to ſtay longer than I ought, but I hope you will be fo good as to pardon me if I tell you, that I am aſtoniſh’d to ſee that there’s no Man with three Ladies of ſuch extraordinary Beauty, and
