Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/83

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this while not one Soul appear’d either here or in the Gar- dens where | had been; and yet I could not perceive a Weed, or any ſuperfluous thing there. The Sun was down, and I retir’d, being pertectly charm’d with the chirping Notes of the Multitude of Birds, who then began to perch upon ſuch places as were convenient for them to repoſe enduring the Night; I went to my Chamber, refolving to open all the reit of the Doors the Day following, excepting that of Gold.

I fail’d not to open the fourth Door next Day, and if what I had ſeen before was capable of ſurprizing me, that which I ſaw then put me into a perfect Extaſie, I went into a large Court ſurrounded with Buildings of an admirable Structure, the Deſcription of which I will paſs by to avoid Prolixity.

This Building had forty Doors wide open, and through each of them there was an Entrance into a Treaſury, ſeveral of which were of greater Value than the largeſt Kingdoms. The firſt contain’d Heaps of Pearls; and what is almoſt incredible, the number of thoſe Stones which are moſt precious, and as large as Pidgeons Eggs, exceeded the number of thoſe of the ordinary Size. in the ſecond Treaſury there were Diamonds, Carbuncles and Rubies. In the third there were Emeralds. In the fourth there were Ingots of Gold, In the fifth Money. In the ſixth Ingots of Silver. In the two following there was alſo Money. The reſt contained Amethyſts, Chryſoliſs, Topazes, Opals, Turkoiſes and Hyacinths, with all other fine Stones unknown to us, without mentioning Agat, Jaſpers, Cornelian and Coral, of which there was a Store-houſe fill’d not only with Branches, but whole Trees.

Being fill’d with Amazement and Admiration, I cry’d out to my ſelf after having ſeen all theſe Riches. Now, if all the Treaſure of the Kings of the Univerſe were gathered in one Place, they could not come near this: What good fortune have I to poſſeſs all this Wealth with ſo many admirable Princeſſes?

I ſhall not ſtay, Madam, to tell you the particulars of all the other rare and precious Things I ſaw the Days following, I ſhall only tell you that 39 Days afforded me but juſt as much time as was neceſſary to open 99 Doors, and to admire all that preſented itſelt to my View, ſo that there
