Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/88

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the three Ladies and the two black Bitches, is much more ſo: My Mind cannot beat eaſe, till I be throughly ſatishfied in all thoſe Matters that have ſurprized me ſo much. Go bring theſe Ladies, and the Callenders at the ſame time; make haſte, and remember that I do impatiently expect your Return,

The Viſier, that knew his Maſter’s quick and fiery Temper, made haſte to obey, and went to the Ladies to whom he communicated, in a civil way, the Orders he had to bring them before the Caliph, without taking any Notice of what had paſſed the Night before at their Houſe.

The Ladies put on their Veils, and went with the Viſier; as he paſſed by his own Houſe, he took the three Callenders along with him, and they, in the mean time, had got notice, that they had both ſeen and ſpoke with the Caliph, without knowing him. The Viſer brought them to the Palace with ſo much Diligence, that the Caliph was mighty well pleas’d at it. This Prince, that he might keep a due Decorum, before all the Officers of his Court that were then preſent, made thoſe Ladies be placed behind the Hanging of the Door of the Room that was next his Bed-Chamber, and kept the three Callenders by him; who, by their reſpecful Behaviour, gave ſufficient Proof, that they were not ignorant before whom they had the Honour to appear.

When the Ladies were placed, the Caliph turned towards them, and ſaid, Ladies, when I ſhall acquaint you that I came laſt Night diſguis’d, m a Merchant’s Habit, into your Houſe, it will certainly alarm you, and make you to fear that you have offended me; and, perhaps, you believe that I have ſent for you to no other end, but to ſhow ſome Marks of my Reſentment: But be not afraid, you may reſt afſur’d, that I have forgot all that is paſt, and am very well ſatisfied with your Conduct, I wiſh that all the Ladies of Bagdad had as much Diſcretion as you have given proof of before me. I ſhall always remember the Moderation you make uſe of, after the Incivility that we had committed. I was then a Merchant of Mouſſo!, but am at preſent Haroun Alraſchid, the ſeventh Caliph of the Glorious Houſe of Abbas, that holds the Place of our great Prophet, I have only ſent for you,
