Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/95

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ſelf, as I never had done before. He made me fit down by him, and before he began his Diſcourſes, I could not forbear ſaying to him, with an Air that diſcover’d the Sentiments I was inſpired with, Amiable Sir, dear Object of my Soul, I can ſcarce have Patience to wait for an Account of all thoſe wonderful Things, that I have ſeen fince the firſt time I came into your City; and my Curioſity cannot be ſatisfied too ſoon, therefore, pray Sir, let me know by what Miracle you alone are left alive among ſo many Perſons that have died in ſo ſtrange a manner?

Scheherazade broke off here, and ſaid to Schahriar, Sir, perhaps your Majeſty does not perceive it is Day, ſhould I continue my Diſcourſe any longer, I ſhould abuſe your Attention. The Sultan got up, reſolving next Night to hear the Remainder of this wonderful Story,

The Sixty Fifth Night.

IF you be not aſleep, Siſter, ſays Dinarzade next Morning, before it was Day, I would pray you to reſume the Story of Zobeide, and acquaint us what paſs’d between her and the young Man, that ſhe found alive in that Palace you gave us ſo fine a Deſcription of. I will immediately ſatiſty you ſaid the Sultaneſs Zobeide went on with her Story thus.

Madam, ſays the young Man, you have given me to underſtand that you have the Knowledge of a true God, by the Praver you juſt now addreſſed to him. I will acquaint you with the moſt remarkable Effect of his Greatneſs and Power. You muſt know, that this City was the Metropolis of a mighty Kingdom, over which the King my Father did reign. That Prince, his whole Court, the Inhabitants of the City, and all his other Subjects, were Magi, Worſhippers of Fire, and of Nardoun the ancient King of the Giants who rebel!’d againſt God.

And tho’ I was begotten and born of an idolatrous Father and Mother, I had the good fortune in my Youth to have a Woman Governeſs, who was a good Muſſelman, I had the Alcoran by Heart, and underſtood the Explanation of it perfectly well. Dear Prince, would ſhe often times ſay, There is but one true God, take heed that you do not acknowledge and adore any other, She learnt me to read
