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Balſora. In the mean time nothing being more requiſite for me, than Eaſe in my old Age, I will not only put you in poſſeſſion of my Eſtate, but leave the Adminiſtration of Publick Affairs to your Management.
When the Grand Vizier had made an end of this kind and generous Propoſal, Noureddin Ali fell at his Feet, and expreſſing himſelf in Terms that demonſtrated his Joy and Gratitude, told the Vizier, that he was at his Command in every thing. Upon this the Vizier ſent for his chief Domeſticks, ordered them to furniſh the great Hall of his Palace, and prepare a great Feaſt; he afterwards ſent to invite the Nobility of the Court and City, to honour him with their Company, and when they were all met, (Noureddin Ali having now told him who he was) he ſaid to thoſe Lords, for he thought it proper to ſpeak thus, on purpoſe to ſatisfy ſuch of them to whom he had refuſed his Alliance, I am now, my Lords, to diſcover ſuch a thing to you, which hitherto I have kept ſecret, I have a Brother who is Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Egypt, as I am to the Sultan of this Kingdom. This Brother has but one Son, whom he would not marry in the Court of Egypt, but ſent him hither to marry my Daughter, that both our Branches may be reunited. His Son, whom I knew to be my Nephew, as ſoon as I ſaw him, is this young Gentleman I here preſent to you, and is to be my Son-in-law, I hope you will do me the Honour to be preſent at his Wedding, which I am to celebrate this Day. The Noblemen who could not take it ill, that he preferred his Nephew before all the great Matches that had been propoſed to him, ſaid, That he had very good Reaſon for what he did, were willing to be Witneſſes to the Ceremony, and wiſhed that God might prolong his Days to enjoy the Satisſaction of the happy Match.
Here Scheherazade broke off, becauſe Day appear’d, and next Night reſum’d her Story.
The Ninety Fourth Night.