Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/226

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190 A SYNOPSIS OF THE INDIAN TRIBES. [iNTROD. Second pcrs. sing. Imperative. Third pcrs. sing, transition to third pers. sing. milan, milgol, milawal, petagol, pendagol, w'dahoalawall, w'dell gun, w'dell ak. A single example will be sufficient to illustrate the rules for the six other transitions : Gin thou, mil, he gives him, he brings him, bring " petol, hear " penda, he hears him, love " ahoal, he loves him, say " ill, he says to him, I give him, n'mil an, (him,) thou givest him, k'mil an, (him,) he gives me, n'mil uk, (he,) he gives thee, k'mil uk, (he,) I give thee, k'mil ell, (A) thou givest me, k'mil i, (me.) With each of these seven transitions from the singular to the singular, three others are connected, in which either one or the other, or both the pronouns are in the plural number. Thus we have, 1 give him, 1 give them, They give me, They give us ; and so on for each of the seven primitive transitions. The terminations added to these primitive transitions designate therefore, whether one or both the pronouns are in the plural, and, if only one, which of the two. This is effected with great precision for every case, so as to prevent any confusion or ambiguity ; but it is difficult to reduce those final terminations to uniform rules. The following table, subject to several ex- ceptions and anomalies, shows the most usual or general of those plural terminations. /, thou, they, ye, we, me. thee. him. us. na, neen, i e ' ( ewo, himo, e, ewo, ewo, ewo, neen, hena, neen, neen, you. wa, himo, himo, hena, them. wak, wak, wawak, wawak, wawuna. These plural terminations, which are nearly the same with those of the simple conjugation, combined with the four inserted particles a, g, I, i, and with the three initial characteristics n, k, w, constitute the twenty-eight personal forms or transitions of the present of the indicative ; and united, though not with perfect uniformity, with the particles ep, up, and tsh, which are the respective signs of the preterite and futujre tenses, they also form the twenty-eight transitions of each of those tenses