Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/305

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APP. NC >. II.J CONJU GATION S AND TRJ lNS itions. xoy CHOCTAW. SIOUX. (Gen. Cass.) tok-che, to tie. DAHCOTA. ACTIVE. PASSIVE. I love, wah tscheeng. Indie. Present. Indie. Present. Indicative Present. I Lokchille suttullokche I wah tscheeng thou ishtokche chittullokche thou eeah tscheeng he tokche tullokche he tscheeng we two etokche jittullokche we oants-cheengpee we ehotokche luppittullokche you eeahtscheengpee you hushtokche luchittullokche they weetschahtscheengpee they oklattokche oklattullokche Preterite Indie. Imperative sunnuse, I sleep. r wahtscheengkong (let me). (Choctaw.) thou eeahtscheengkong I ok toe he sunnuse he tscheengkong thou tokche chenuse we oahtscheengpeekong him ittokche nuse you eeahtscheengpeekong we two ketokche penuse they tscheengpeekong we kehotokche huppenuse you hotokche huchenuse Future Indie. them oklakashiktokche oklatnuse I thou wahtscheengktey eeahtscheengktey Potential sulle, I die, he tscheengktey (I may). (Choctaw.) we oantscheengpeektey I tokchillahinla sulle you weetshahtscheengpeektey thou ishtokchahinla chille they weetshyatscheengpeektey he tokchahinla ille we two etokchahinla pille we ehotokchahinla huppille you hushtokchahinla hucliille they oklattokchahinla Subjunctive (if). oklattille CHEPPEYAN. I tokchillikma thou ishtokchikma ATUAPASCA. he we two tokchikma etokchikina yaws' t-hee, I speak. disse, I say. we ehotokchikma Present. Present. you they hushtokchikma I yaws tnee dissc oklattokchikma thou yawnelt'h6e deennee he. yawlt'h6e hehnee ■ we yawoult'h£e t6ooiee or teoutee you fnynuli'h-e dnnnnce or toonnee they tayathee Preterite. heh heh ioe Pretei ite. f yawaylt'hee (lissoe nee thou yayolt'hee deennee nee he yalthee 1) li nee nee we tayaolthee deedee nee ' yo«  tayahelthee doonnee nee they tayolthee hedd e nee