Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/359

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O. I.] VOCABULARIES. 323 Bow. Axe, Hatchet. Knife. I. 1 pitteekee ooleemow panna 2 petik atti-ghimnuk sequetat 3 kalkalima, k. tschepiak, k. ; shebyja n. 4 zultan kissaki EH. 5 altung chachill clestay 6 thynle bess iv. 7 achapee, h. shegaygan, m. mokoman, m. 8 9 10 mittigwab, s. wagakwut, {axe), s. mokoman, s. agakwet, {axe) mokoman 11 aehaappee makatashke moncoumang 12 13 14 ahpee, G. tomebagan «agan taubiak temahigan nt'sek«aks, {my) 15 ottump, w. togkunk, c. eteaussonkasb, (j)L), c 16 cbichegin, (hatchet) chauqock, v/iaseok 17 thkenaghoo, H. tumnahecan, (axe), He. scbican, shican, he. 18 atunys chekenas; cheaganan, {hatchet), w.; oche- gan, {an axe), w. 19 hattepe tamahicun pakhksliican, sbican 20 attontz achmounabeck 21 metehkwapa, t. takakaneli, t. malseh, t. 22 tacabacan, {axe) marissa 23 tecaca, (axe) ; cbekele- caca, {hatchet), J. manese, j. 24 mactaah mates 25 maytaykwoup naynaupny abshaykun v. 20 ottoyaye, {axe) weneaslira 27 ohonah, d. ottokuh, d. ausebirlee, n. 28 aschqueebsa 29 30 oooinaw, p. ottoyeh, i>. kaukunncausab, d. 31 32 osakenta vi. 33 mabs, {axe), l. mahhee, l. 34 eatahzeepah, c. onspa, {axe), M. eesahng, c. 35 eetazeepali meena 36 mokteh mispebjinkah moliili 37 mauafa 38 manloo mahee 39 mandaisanrai mazzapai, jmgai, wee-eepsailangai mabee 40 beerahhah (tomahawk) matzee vn. 41 eecheka pot-tateerawab seepali vni. 42 gablotralide, b. galilnoyabste, b. liahyalabste, B. ix. 43 iti tanampo, c. iskiffa busbpo 41 tellumpahla, s. ooksafusba, s. buspo. G. x. 45 itchvkkatoxy, c. pobtzoosozhie islelaffKa xi. 46 goostatah, D. eoutchee, d. xu. 47 ohyaniinoo pyhewish Mil. 48 xiv. 49 sousepe xv. 50 wosh xvi. 51 tcboueh konow kut xvn. 52 teeragish xvin. 53 tsqinsb ninsbamin