Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/387

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NO. I.] VOCABULARIES. 351 Alive, Life. Dead, Death. Cold. I. 1 innuowoke, (he is) tokoowoke, (he is) ikkee 2 kairunga, (shivering) 3 tokok nanjukatok, k. ', nin- lichtu ii. 4 trchitschok ktckchuz in. 5 anna tassi 6 edzah iv. 7 pematissu, h. nepoo, h. kissin, H. 8 pimadizze, (he), s. ; pe- nepo, (dead), j. ; nipo- kissena, j. matis, (to live), m. wen, (to die), m. 9 kissenah, (suhst.) 10 nootchimoon, (life) nippovin, (death) kikatch, (to be) 11 k»«di 12 tekayo 13 nedanbedatsi, (I am) 14 nedarenbai, (/ am alive) pomamtamoonk, (life) nemetsine, (I am dead) 15 nuppoo-onk, (death) tohkoi, (it teas) 16 koukeeteatchewo, (let nippitchewo, (let him him live) die) tahkees, t. 17 18 pomauchsoagan, he. nup, ([die), s. b. thauthu, h. 19 20 kikatsh, (to be) 21 weetoseeneewaywaw, naapenggeh, t. tahkiu (he lives) nippanwek, t. 22 ripahnou 23 lennawawe, j. nepwa, j. weppee, s. b. 24 kesseean, (subst.) 25 pamauntasheu, (life), kahshewe, (cold weath W. D. er), w. d. v. 26 eronteh, (he lives), turea ; ottoret, h. 27 W. D. yoonheh, D. yowhayyou, d. otoorle, p. 28 tajonhe, (to be) nejawaheje, (death) otoxi, (to be) 29 eohhay, d. ootooe, p. 30 dunheitst, (life), t. j. yahwanhaioh, t. j. yutoghle, t. j. 31 kuhhayyuh authooh 32 anseehe watorae vi. 33 nauheerogeerah, (life), seeneehee, b. 34 W. D. nee, c. khteyh, c. snee, k. 35 snee 36 niton neh 37 nee, (life), c. eatsah nubatcha 38 snee 39 snee 40 tays, (to die) ceereeai vn. 41 yawahrahcha yawahrah hera cliebuh chara vin. 42 gungnodung, (alive),B. ooyohoosung, (he is dead) ; oolecootsung (animals), b. oohungtlung ix. 43 okchaya, (to live) ille, (death, to die) kuppussa, (adj.) 44 fopuh, (life), h. ille, h. kuppussau, h. x. 45 uysauguy, c. ilgah, (death) kussupe xi. 46 xn. 47 wattik, (to die) tzitakopana xni. 48 waaton, (life) oeying, (death) hostalga xiv. 49 kahiehy, (life) nuppe, (death) kasteke xv. 50 pittaggs, (life) haii, (death) tsamps xvi. 51 quiadehka dehka, (dead) hehno xvii. 52 taipeechee xvm. 5c 'tleel, (dead) tsalt