Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/467

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ELIOT'S LETTER. The Reverend Mr. John Elliot (teacher unto the Praying Indians) his Letter to the author of this Narrative upon his perusal of it. Sir : I have perused this narrative of the Christian Indians, both their sufferings and doings ; though (as you intimate) more might have been said, yet here is enough to give wise men a taste of what hath passed. Leave the rest unto the day of judgment, when all the contrivances and actings of men shall be opened before the seeing eye of a glorious Judge. I do not see that any man, or orders of men, can find just cause of excepting against (human frailties excepted) any thing that you have written. As natural fathers, so foster fathers, are well pleased to hear well of their children. I doubt not but the Right Honorable Corpo- ration will well accept this great service and duty, to give them so clear an account of their foster children, a service which I confess I am not able to perform. The Lord bless your good and faithful labour in it. I