Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/580

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NOTE. The following paper was written at. Copan, by Colonel Ga- lindo, late Governor of the Province of Peten, in Central America, and was communicated to the President of the Society last year, during a visit of the author on a diplomatic mission to this country. It may be regarded as a brief, though highly satisfactory, exhibition of the researches of Colonel Ga- lindo, in reference to a part of the American continent, whose remote history is but little understood, and can only be gath- ered from a patient and faithful examination of the relics of a former age, and the traces of an extinct population. The investigations of the author, if prosecuted in the philo- sophical spirit, and with the ardent zeal, by which they have been distinguished in their commencement, cannot fail to throw a strong light on these important subjects ; and it is with great satisfaction that we are informed they have already attracted the attention of the Royal Society of London, to whom a paper has been likewise addressed by Colonel Galindo. We are also gratified to learn, that in a recent communication to the President, Colonel Galindo has intimated his intention of favoring our Society with another memoir, on the subject of the ruins of Palenque, which, as well as that now published, cannot fail to possess great interest for the students of American antiquities. Publishing Committee.