Page:Archaeologia volume 38 part 1.djvu/97

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Notes on the Great Seals between 1648 and 1660. 81 " 1. That the motto incompassing that side of the Great Seal of England which bears the portraiture of his Highness be, ' OLIVAEIUS DEI GRATIA EEIP. ANGLLE, SCOTIA, ET HIBERNI^E, &C. PROTECTOR.' " 2. That the motto incompassing the other side of the Great Seal shall be, ' MAGNTJM SIGILLTJM REIPUB. ANGLIC, SCOTIA, ET HIBERNLfE,' &C. " 3. That the crest and lyon supporter shall be crowned according to the draft in Parliament now showed. " 4. That the size of the Great Seal shall be according to the draught now shown singly in wax ; and the Privy Seal according to the largest draft of 3 in another wax now shown. " 5. That the Seal Manual be in the engraving of it fitted to make impressions upon wax. " 6. That Mr. Thomas Symons be sole chief engraver for the mints and seals, and have the fee of per annum annexed to his place. " 7. That Mr. Thomas Symons do forthwith go about the engraving of the several seals aforementioned, and those mentioned in several orders of 25 August, 1654." These orders were approved by the Lord Protector on 6th March." On 16th February, 1654-5, it had been ordered b that Mr. Thomas Symons be medal-maker to the state. A somewhat curious change was made in the inscription for the Privy Seal, and for that seal only, when on " 20th February it was ordered c that the motto in- compassing the Privy Seal should be, ' OLIVARIUS DEI GRATIA REIPUB. ANGLIC, SCOTL/E, FRANCI^E, ET HiBERNiJE, &c. PROTECTOR;' " an assumption of a title over France that I have not seen noticed. On 16th March, 1654-5, Thomas Symons d was appointed medal-maker, with a salary of 20 marks a-year, and the free use of the presses, &c. in the Bower and else- where, and chief engraver of the mint and seals, with a salary of 30. per annum ;> and a warrant was issued to him to proceed to the engraving of a Great Seal, a Privy Seal, and a Seal Manual, according to the rules before prescribed. On 30th March a Great Seal for Ireland was ordered to be engraved/ Of the Great Seal for England so ordered and also of the Great Seal for Scotland I now exhibit casts. They were used by the Protector himself, but it is beyond dispute that for more than a year and a half after the new Great Seal of England was so 8 Draft Council Book, vol. xlviii. p. 70. b Ib. p. 40. c Ib. p. 45. d Ib. p. 88. 6 These salaries were duly paid from 25th March, 1656. See Numismatic Journal, vii. p. 43. f Council Book, xlviii. p. 115. A proof impression of the obverse is in the British Museum. VOL. XXXVIII. M