Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 1.djvu/263

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With a bryȝt bordure,
Compasyd lul clene;
And all a storye at hit was
Of Ydoyne and Amadas,
Perreye[1] in ylke a plas,
And papageyes[2] of grene.
The scochenes[3] of many knyȝt
Of gold and Cyprus was i-dyȝt[4],
Brode besauntes and bryȝt,
And treweloves[5] bytwene;
There was at hur testere
The kynges owne banere;
Was nevere bede rychere
Of empryce ne qwene!

This romance, which contains several curious passages relating to the manners of the fourteenth century, will shortly be published by the Camden Society, with the variations afforded by the copy in the Lincoln manuscript.J. O. HALLIWELL.

  1. Jewelry.
  2. Parrots.
  3. Escutcheons.
  4. Prepared, worked.
  5. True-love knots.