Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 1.djvu/449

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Tombs, various, in Anglesey, 43, 124

——— with cross-legged effigies, 49, 199

——— at Yarmouth, Norfolk, desecration of, 138

——— at Beer Ferrers, Devon, 398

Tombstone, Norman, at Coningsborough,354

Tonbridge, Kent, mouud at, 99

"Topographical Literature," notice of, 413

Toscanella, St. Mary's Church at, 185

Touraine, diocesan seminary of, 189

Tours, painted glass at, 170, 238

Tower, of London, 94, 95, 106

Towers, 98, 106, 188, 191

Towton, battle of, 290

Trematon Tower, Cornwall, 98

Tremeirchion, Flintshire, cross at, 383

Trepied, cromlech so called, 228

Tretower, Brecknockshire, 98

Trinity College, Cambridge, basin used there, 161

——— representation of the, 74, 76, 80

Troyes, painted glass at, 170

Trumpington Church, Cambridgeshire, 199

————— Sir Roger de, brass of, 199

Tubingen, St. George's, sculptured panel at, 410

Tuileries, Paris, Palace of the, 121, 238

Tully, Bishop of St. David's, tomb of, 201

Tumulus, purchased, 83, 84

Turnament of Tottenham, 243

Turner, Dawson, Esq., replacing of a brass by, 203

Tyndaethwy, commot of, Anglesey, 118

Tynemouth Tower, Northumberland, 106


Ullathorne's heel-ball, for rubbings from brasses, 205

Ulsinus, Abbot of St. Alban's, 315

Unicorn, symbolical, 175

Upanry, manor of, 368

Upleatham, Yorkshire, urn found at, 413

Upnor Castle, Kent, 106

Upper Loire, monuments of the, 83

Urach, Germany, carved wood at, 410


Vagniacæ, 418

Valetta, Malta, St. John's Church at, 51

Vardon, John, constable of Rockingham, 368

Vaulting, 188

Venice, treasury of St. Mark at, 280

Verulamium, ruins of, 30

Vesica piscis, a form of aureole, 77

Vice depicted symbolically, 189

Victory, images and temple of, 181

Vienna, Holyrood monastery at, date of, 408

Vienne, Chapel of Greek-cross-form at, 193

Villefranche, painted glass at, 194

Vincennes, chateau of, 340

Virgin, the Blessed, representation of, 78, 194

Vita Haroldi, 35

"Vitraux peints de St. Etienne de Bourges," notice of, 169

Vyne, Stephen, 322


Waddington Hall, Yorkshire, 290

Wales and Anglesey, Christianity introduced into, 40

Walford, W. S., on cross-legged effigies, 49

Waller family, genealogy of, 386

——— Messrs., series of brasses published by, 199, 203, 206

Wallingford Castle, Berks, 93, 99

Waltham Abbey, Herts, date of, 35

Warblington Castle, Hants, 106

Wardour Castle, Wilts, velvet altar fronts at, 329

Warin, constable of Rockingham Castle, 367

Warnford Church, Hants, 393

Warwick Castle, 99, 102, 104

Waterford Cathedral, 328

Watson, Lewis, Earl of Rockingham, 376

———— Sir Edward, and Sir Lewis, 376

Way, Albert, Introduction, 1; Sepulchral Brasses, 197; Review of "Shaw's Dresses and Decorations," 284

Welland, right of fishing in the, 367

Welles, Lord John, 376

Wells Cathedral, Somerset, incised slab in, 210, 250

Wenlock, Shropshire, Prior's House at, 163

Wensley Church, Yorkshire, brass in, 208

Wentworth, Thomas, Marquess of Rockingham, 376

West Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight, 106

Westminster Abbey, alterations in, 166

————————— cope at, 329

Weston Underwood, Northamptonshire, cope at, 329, 331

Westwell Church, Kent, east window of, 16

Weymouth, Dorset, Roman buildings near, 280, 385

Whichford, Warwickshire, incised slab at, 210

Whitaker's "History of Whalley," 414

Whitchurch, North Wales, brass at, 201

White's "History of Selbourne," 414

Wick, near Alton, Hants, Roman remains at, 393

Wicklow, antiquities found in, 253

Willement, windows painted by, 21

William of Arques, succession of, 275

——— of Malmsbury, 25, 26

——— the Conqueror, Castles built by, 94

Wilson, E., Esq., copes in the possession of, 329

Wiltshire and Gloucestershire, Church Architecture in, 67

Wiltshire, Roman vases found in, 280

———— Topographical Society of, 414

Winchester, Hants, remains of a chapel at, 249

Windows, 188

Windsor Castle, Berks, 94, 99

Winston, C., on painted glass, 14

————————— Review of "Vitraux Peints de St. Etienne de Bourges," 169

Witham, Essex, skeletons &c., found at, 393

Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, cross at, 383

Wool, Dorsetshire, embroidery at, 329

Wootton, Northamptonshire, coins found at, 67

Worcester, mound at, 99

———— St. Clement's Church at, 261

Worle Hill, Somersetshire, ancient British masonry at, 308

Worlingworth, Suffolk, 161

Worthbarrow, bay of, sacrificial remains at, 350

Worthing, Sussex, antiquities found at, 270

Wright, T., Anglo-Saxon Architecture, 24

————— Horn-shaped Ladies' Head-dresses, 45

————— Original Documents, 64, 152

————— Domestic Architecture, 212, 301

————— Shobdon old Church, 233

————— Notice of Didron's "Iconographie Chrétiénne," 72

————————— "Guide to the Neighbourhood of Oxford," 177

————————— Gailhabaud's "Ancient and Modern Architecture," 184

————————— "Illuminated Calendar," 405