Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/338

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Notices and Extracts from the Episcopal Registers of Winchester, by T. Hudson Turner, Esq.

Notices of the general History of Winchester, from the Saxon period to the close of the thirteenth century, by T. Hudson Turner, Esq.

Note on the Royal Charters granted to the city of Winchester from the Conquest to the time of Edward I., by T. Hudson Turner, Esq.

Transcript of the inedited MS. History of Winchester Cathedral, written by a monk of Winchester, the original preserved in the Library of All Souls College, Oxford, by the Warden of New College.

Monday, Sept. 15.

At half past 11 o'clock a General Meeting of the Subscribing Members of the Association, took place in the St. John's Room, President, the Marquis of Northampton.

The Treasurer, the Rev. S. R. Maitland, at the request of the President, made a statement of the accounts, from which it appeared that the amount in the hands of Messrs. Cockburns & Co. on the 8th instant, was £369. 6s. 6d.; besides which had been received on account of the Institute up to, and including Sept. 13, 1845, £160. 2s. The amount of expenditure up to the 8th instant was £187. 17s. 3d. One of the Honorary Secretaries then read the following list of extraordinary donations, towards defraying the expenses of the Annual Meeting:—

£ s.
  1. The Marquis of Northampton
5 0
  1. The Lord Ashburton
10 0
  1. Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart.
5 0
  1. Sir John Boileau, Bart.
5 0
  1. The Hon. Richard Watson
5 0
  1. Rev. Charles H. Hartshorne
4 0
  1. Rev. Edward Burney
1 1
  1. Albert Way, Esq.
5 0
  1. Edward Hawkins, Esq.
2 0
  1. William Roots, Esq., M.D.
1 0
  1. Matthew Dawes, Esq., Westbrook Bolton
2 0

Albert Way, Esq., Honorary Secretary, read the following report:—"I have the honour to report to the meeting on the present occasion several circumstances which may justly be regarded as of a very encouraging nature as connected with the future prospects of this society. It must be highly interesting to all persons who desire our welfare and permanent establishment to observe the friendly sympathy and disposition to co-operate in our endeavours shewn at the present time, not only by numerous distinguished individuals, but also by public bodies in various parts of the kingdom instituted for purposes similar to our own. I have to announce amongst the donations received for the library of our society a work of no ordinary interest, presented by his excellency the Chevalier Bunsen, being his recently published Dissertation on the Basilicas of Christian Rome, and their connexion with the Theory and History of Church Architecture. I will claim the attention of the meeting for a few moments whilst I read the communication which accompanied this gratifying donation.

[Mr. Way then read a letter from one of the sons of the Chevalier Bunsen.]

"The Irish Archæological Society, by a vote of council, have pre-