Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/487

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Doctor Bornhard Köhne, Berlin.

Monsieur de Lambron; Tours.

Monsieur l'Abbé Lacurie, Secretary of the Archæological Society at Saintes.

Rev. James Christian Lindberg, Copenhagen.

Major Macphail, Lieutenant-Governor of Dominica.

Count Mortara, D.C.L., Member of the Royal Herculanensian Society of Naples; Chamberlain to H. R. H. the Duke of Lucca; Oxford.

Dr. Theodore Panofka, Curator of the Gallery of Sculpture at Berlin.

Monsieur Paulin Paris, Member of the Institute of France, Conservateur adjoint de la Bibliothèque Royale, département des Manuscrits; Rue Neuve-des-Petits- Champs, 12.

Monsieur Jacques Bouches de Crèvecœur de Perthes, Knight of Malta, President of the Royal Society of Emulation, at Abbeville; Associate of the Numismatic Society of London.

Le Marquis de la Porte, Vendôme.

Monsieur Auguste le Prevost, Member of the Institute of France, Honorary F.S.A.; Bernay (Eure.)

Monsieur Requien, Director of the Muséée Royal, Avignon.

Monsieur le docteur Rigollot, Amiens.

General Nicholas Sabloukoff, in the Russian service.

Monsieur Charles Sauvageot, Paris, Rue Faubourg Poissonniére, 56.

Councillor Thompsen, Keeper of the Coins and Medals in the Collection of the King of Denmark; Honorary F.S.A.; Copenhagen.

Monsieur de la Fontenelle de Vaudoré, Correspondent of the Institute of France, Poitiers.