Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/59

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A.D. Coins. A.D. Coins.
  1. Valerianus, died
267 2
  1. Tacitus, died
276 35
  1. Postumus
267 19
  1. Florianus
276 2
  1. Marius
268 5
  1. Carus
283 1
  1. Gallienus
268 29
  1. Numerianus
284 2
  1. Salonina
268 5
  1. Carinus
285 1
  1. Victorinus
268 353
  1. Carausius
294 7
  1. Quintillus
270 6
  1. Allectus
297 1
  1. Claudius
270 34
  1. Maximian
310 2
  1. Probus
272 73
  1. Diocletian
313 6
  1. Tetricus
273 629 ——
  1. Aurelianus
275 9 1223
  1. Severina
275 2

The subjoined plan exhibits the position of the various chambers which have been discovered.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0059.png

In many places in the part of the field marked 1, foundation walls have been found, about six or eight inches below