Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/91

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unsized paper, slightly moistened, and pressed into the cavities of the surface of the stone by means of a soft brush. There is another curious cross, and a sculptured slab, or shaft of a cross, ornamented with interlaced bands, to be seen at Braddan. The other sketches represent the singular crossslab at Kirk Andreas, near Ramsey, which exhibits rudely designed figures of various animals, and a cross of curious interlaced design; also another similar monument at Kirk Michael, on which is portrayed the chace of the stag, with interlaced and spiral ornaments singularly designed.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0091a.png

Kirk Braddan.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0091b.png

Kirk Andreas.

There are several other similar specimens of ancient sculpture in the Isle of Man, some of which are probably sepulchral memorials, such as those which are to be seen at Ballsalla, Ramsey, Kirk Bride, and Kirk Maughold: at the last--