Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/116

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prior of Lenton and the prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, in the 7th Richard I., about the church of Oscinton, and that the prior of Lenton produced the grant of that church by Hugh de Buron in the 9th Stephen, and that the prior of St. John produced the grant of Roger de Buron, by which he gave to that house the town of Oscinton. No judgment was given ; but it is clear that the grant of Roger was produced as a defence, and it could only have been a defence if the grant was made by Roger, whilst he owned the estate, and before the grant of Hugh. The inference, therefore, is, that Roger owned the estate before Hugh; and, as the estate no doubt descended from Ralph, the inference is, that Roger was the son of Ralph, and either the father or elder brother if Hugh. And the grant we have given by Roger in the time of Henry I. quite coincides with this view; as it shows that at that time Roger owned some (and probably the whole) of the estates, and therefore might have owned 0scinton and made the grant of it before 9th Stephen.

C. S. G.

No. 1.

Ricardus de Curzun omnibus hominibus et amicis suis salutem. Sciatis me rcddisse[1] et conccssisse et rccognovisse Thome, filio Thome de Curzun, totam villam de Ketelestuue, cum advocationc ecclesie, et cum molcndino, et cum omnibus aliis pertinentiis, que pertinent ad predictam villam de Ketelestune, tenendam de mo et hercdibus meis, ille et hcredes sui[2] libere et quiete ab omni servitio per servitium unius militis; salvo forinseco servitio, et indo homagium suum mihi fecit. Hiis testibus, Hugone Bardulf, magistro Rogero Arundel, Philippo filio Roberti, Galfrido Haket, Justiciariis Domini Regis apud Notingham, anno decimo reigni Regis Ricardi, ct aliis Baronibus et fidelibus Domini Regis ibidem tunc presentibus, Willielmo filio Walkeline, Johanne de Boscherville, Willielmo do Rideware, Symono do Tuschet, Roberto filio Walkeline, Willielmo de Godintone, Philipo de Derbi, Henrico Decano, et pluribus aliis.

Appended is a fragment of a large seal, on which is the imperfect figure of the upper part of a man with a helmet on, and portion of the legend "Sigillum." The deed is in a very good state of preservation.

No. 2.

Notum sit omnibus Christi fidelibus, ad quos presens scriptum pervenerit, quod ego Ricardus de Curzun condonavi et quietum clamavi Thome do Curzun do Ketlestone, auxilium quod mihi debuit ad filium meum primrogenitum militem fuciendum, que ad primogenitam filiam meam maritandam, de tenemento quod de me tenet; scilicet propter auxilium, quod fecit mihi ad primogenitum filium domiini Comitis de Feraariis militem faciendum, que ad primogenitam fiiiam suam maritandam. Ut autem litere iste rate et inconcusse permaneant, sigilli

mei impressiono eas coroboravi. Hiis testibus, Radulpho filio Nicholai,
  1. Sic, pro reddidisso.
  2. Sic, pro sibi et heredibus suis.