Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 3.djvu/434

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Ufford, John de, seal of, 75

*Urns found in a tumulus, near Badbury Camp, Dorset, 348—351.

at Brampton, 249—Caister, 250—and Felmingham, Norfolk, 247

at Burgh, Suffolk, 246

in Delamere Forest, Cheshire, 157


*Vase of stone found near Bath, 356

——*at Roose, in Furness, Lancashire, 68

——*near Tubuey, Berks, 69

Vaux, W. S. W., notices of records at Southampton, 229—233

*Vessel, found near Lavenham, Suffolk, 69

——— given to Exeter Church, by Bishop Leofric, A.D. 1046, 132

Villa, Roman, discovered at Wheatley, Oxon, 116

Volseii, country of the, necropolis found in, 194


Wafer-Irons at Braine Abbey, France, 253 Wait-service, observations on, 339 Walbran's Antiquities of Gai.nford, County of Durham, reviewed, 184 Wales. — Anglesey, 39 — 44, 227, 257 ; Ardragh, 37 ; Cader-Idris, 87 ; Cairn-Lochen, 36; Carew, 71; Fridd-Gilfachwyd, 27; Holywell, 148— 150; Llan-Madock, 67 ; Llan-Saut-Fraid, 224 ; Lough Fea, 95 ; Mold, 38 ; Neath, 275—277 ; Nevern, 71 ; Bbeidd, on Menai, 257 ; Swansea, 67, 86 ; Tovvyn-y-Capel, 223—228 Wallingford, personal seal, found near, 75 Waltham cross, the work of N. Dymenge, 200 Waltheof, Earl, marriage of, t. William 1., 309 beheaded at Winchester, 310 Warren, name, derivation, and descent of, 5, 8 William de, earl of Surrey, pre- tended marriage of, 1, 9, 13 — 16 Warwickshire.— Astley, 291; Bilton, 291; Warmi:.gton, 305; Warwick, 203 Wata, a tax in the nature of Danegelt, 339 conjecture on the word, 340 instances of, in Winchester Domesday, 341 WaverleyAbbey, foundation laid, A.D. 1128, 88 Way, A., notices of Ancient Ornaments, Vessels, &c., 129—140 — . ON Ancient Chess-men, 239 — 245 illustrations of Domestic Cus- toms DURING THE MIDDLE AGES, 332 — 339 •Weapons found at Swansea, 67 •Welborne, Norfolk, bell-cot at, 213 •Well of St. Winefrede, 149, in a dilapidated state, 150 Wells Cathedral, sculpture in, 196 Westmacott, Sir R., on the progress of the art of Sculpture, in England, in medieval times, 193—205 Westminster Abbey, shrine of Confessor at, 199 effigy of William of Windsor, in, 237 West Walton, Norfolk, manor of, 3 Westmoreland. — Wheatley, Oxon, Roman villa discovered at, 116 Wiesbaden, Germany, torques found at, 27 Wilfrid, St., crypt of, at Ripon, Yorkshire, 163 William I., married Matilda, daughter of Bald- win, Comte of Flanders, the divorced wife of Gerbod, avoue of St. Berlin, A.D. 1053, 20 reconciled with Rome, and with Matilda, erected two mouasterie.'^, 24 had four sons and six daughters, 24 Rufus, bestowed on churches certain sacred vessels, called ti.Ntulas, 132 Wilts.— Charlton, 308 ; Devizes, 359 ; Enford, 306; Salisbury, 199, 237 Winchester, earthen chalices found near, 139 Window, *of the Friery at Reading, 146

  • of Trinity Church, Glendalough, 177
  • of St. Cronau Church, Clare, 177
  • iu round tower at Fiuahoe, 1H2

•Windsor, cloister of St. George's Chapel, at, 60, 104 Winefrede, St., Well of, at Holywell, Flintshire, 148—150 Winklersbury, Hants, pottery found at, 69 Wisbeach, J. de, monk of Ely, built the chapel of the Virgin Mary there, 295 •Witham, Essex, rings and coins found at, 162, 163 Wittenham, Long, Berks, diminutive effigy at, 239 Wolstan, St., of Worcester, grant and seal of, 261 WooDPERRY, Oxon, antiquities found .at, 116 — *arrow heads, 119, 120 — *pruning hooks, 122 — *[weezers, brooches, buckles, 120, 121

  • s.te and fragments of the ancient

Church, 116 — and *monumental slabs, 127 — an ancient cross, 126 — and some *border tiles at, 128, 129 Worcestershire. — Bredicot, 267; Bredon Hill, 267; Evesham, 138, Kempsey, 354; Perdeswell, 34; Saxon's Lode, (Upton), 268; Suckley, 89 Worms, Germany, torques found at, 34 Wraxall, tore found at, 68

  • Wyke Church, Hants, brass in, 84

Wykeha-m, William of, some remains of the WORK OF, AT Windsor Castle, 59 — 61 his genius instrumental in effecting the change from the Decorated to the Perpendi- cular style of architecture, 59 his noble foundations at Oxford and Winchester, 60 — -and at Suthwyk Priory, Hants, where his father, mother, and sister were buried, 221 iWynn, Sir W. W., tore in possession of, 27 Yorkshire, 101. — Bedale, 258, 260; Beverley, 391 ; Bingley, 141 ; Erabsay, (in Skipton), 32; Hawkswell, (in Richmond), 259 ; Howden,384; Nun-JVIonkton, 213; Ripon, 73, 163; Tanfield, (West), 360 ; York, 137, 237, 389 •York Cathedral, decorated foliage of, 389 effigy of W. de Hatfield in, 237 — chalices and patens, 137 St. Michael-le-Belfry, Perpendicular bell- cot of, 212 W. B.